La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Frederic: Resurrection of Music Director's Cut
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Forever Entertainment S. A.
Forever Entertainment S. A.
Release Date: 21
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Story : The little indie music game about the rebirthing of federic , a pianoist composer find out why he raise from the grave in the present time Music : music is . just right a combination between classical famous piano melody with the modern remix such as hip hop , electro , india , even rehkae (420) Gameplay : using only 7 keys to play . sound easy right? but you were wrong. normally i usually play music game but this game have me a satisfying melody you never heard before 7.8/10 ik it never have a workshop or custom song so it's a quite boring if u do 100% complete and multiplayer is dead. Take "Guitar Hero" but exchange the guitar for a piano, then instead of rock music, use classical and finally add a pinch of "Parappa the Rapper" and you end up with Frederic: Resurrection of Music. Oh yeah, and the voice acting is horriffic. Like, you know when you have a European cartoon and then it is dubbed badly into English, yeah, it's much worse than that. Fun game for the nimble fingered amongst you though.. I highly receommend this game even with a few minor issues and one big recommendation. The game is effectively a Rock Band 3 keyboard using Frederick Chopin as the protagonist, but with so much cheese that you could make an amazing pizza. The variation of Chopin's music in different styles, including Irish, rock, raggae, and others, is an absolute delight to listen to. The music alone is worth the price of admission as far as I'm concerned, and there are several of Chopin's best pieces to perform. The minor issues include really bad voice acting, especially that of Chopin, and *really* long (but thankfully skippable) cutscenes. In fairness, the really bad voice acting is no doubt a part of the cheese factor. Those slight dings can easily be ignored; however, (and forgive the caps, but this has to be emphasized): I HAVE TO RECOMMEND THIS GAME **PRIMARILY** TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE TOUCHSCREEN LAPTOPS OR TABLETS! As an amateur keyboardist, I found it very difficult to come up with a PC keyboard layout that was comfortable for me and therefore became very frustrated while playing on a PC keyboard. Admittedly, you might find something better for you. But the game felt far, far more natural when I played it on my touchscreen laptop. (The game has its roots in the tablet arena, so this isn't totally unexpected.) It was much more enjoyable to play, and I had a lot more fun with this game than I expected I would once I switched to a touchscreen laptop. So, if you own a touchscreen laptop or Windows tablet, I absolutely recommend this game, especially for the price. Just don't expect the best voice acting out there and get ready to skip cutscenes. Otherwise, this game is worth the low price. I didn't touch the multiplayer part because - with very, VERY few exceptions - I don't like multiplayer games. From what others have said, it doesn't work all that well; but I don't plan on trying it to find out. If you're more interested in the mutiplayer aspect, look at other reviews.. Whilst this game seems to have a great concept and potential, I found the controls very clunky to use being largely reliant on one hand. Part of it may be like that for me since I have a pianist's background and set up to play as such, but the just being so single hand based kind of made this awkward. There's other rhythm games I've enjoyed more as the controls were far more intuitive. TLDR - Great concept, bad controls.. This game is a beautiful homage to Chopin's legacy. TLDR: Guitar hero for piano/keyboard based on Frederic Chopin's masterpieces. Director's Cut version has two extra levels and includes Multiplayer. In this game you play as Frederic Chopin who has resurrected to defeat the scourge of modern music. In the game you face-off against various genres of music that have based themselves around his masterpieces by using the keyboard/mouse/touchscreen/midi to hit notes as they fly down the screen. If this game gets even ONE person to take up piano then I fully support it, it's becoming a lost art and there has not been another genius composer as skilled as Chopin since his time. Yes, I do find modern music to be unskilled - That being said, beautiful modern music can & has been made.. freaking love the last battle, 9/10 the game is awesome and cheap.
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