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We have done it! The long awaited, one of the most requested, DraftIt! DraftIt! is here! It's free of charge and will allow you to create any type of 2D drawing in only minutes. You don't need to be a programmer! The following features are ready to use and can be configured within the Settings and Options sections. And the best part - it's completely free!

DraftIt! is the only CAD program you'll ever need.

2D Drawing.
DraftIt! can create nearly all possible drawing elements in 2D.
- With the help of a graphics tablet, you can easily create any type of graph.
- A keyboard and mouse can be used as well.
- Easy to learn and well-suited for beginners.
- Support for all shapes, such as circles, squares, rectangles, polygons and more.
- Create any type of line with the help of their dimensions and control its length, color and style.
- It's also possible to change the appearance of lines with the help of multiple patterns, thickness and colors.
- Shape smoothing options.
- Open an existing file and continue working on it.
- Save your work in a.dwt format for later editing.
- It's possible to insert images as an addition to lines, charts, scales, graphs and more.
- Easily edit or rotate all shapes.
- Edit the width and color of text.
- Insert materials and reflections.
- It's possible to choose between various fonts, sizes and colors.
- It's also possible to add a wide variety of symbols.
- Save the document as a standard PDF, BMP or PNG file.
- Support for 2D dimensions, angles, tables and data.
- Importing of drawings from different formats (DGN, DWG, DXF, CDS).
- Support for a universal file format, including vector and raster graphics.
- Supports all the latest standards: DSC, MIF, STandard General Format, DWG, DXF, CDS and STEP.

3D Drawing.
- For precise, precise and a useful 3D modeling program.
- The program can work with a graphics tablet.
- It's possible to import many formats (DGN, DWG, DXF, CDS, PLY and many others).
- Save the document as a standard PDF, BMP, 45cee15e9a

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Very simply a macro to help with password resets. It allows you to reset passwords easily by using keyboard shortcuts instead of doing it manually in your email client.
Initial release. More updates coming soon.
Note: This is a non-free, non-commercial plugin.
Version 1.0
Initial release.
V 1.1
Added set of keyboard shortcuts for password reset:
Set1 : Alt + R2
Set2 : Alt + R3
Set3 : Alt + R4
Set4 : Alt + R5
V 1.2
Added function to avoid password re-entry on subsequent login
Remove the default option of password re-entry on subsequent login
V 1.3
Minor bugfixes
V 1.4
Removed the # from the "Safeguard Password" option
V 1.5
Added function to disable/enable the password reset feature
V 1.6
Fix to add/remove local keyboard shortcut on checkbox change
V 1.7
Changed default value of checkbox to enable/disable password reset
V 1.8
Bug fixes
V 1.9
Bug fixes
V 1.10
Added extra space before/after the # to avoid the password re-entry
V 1.11
Added Shortcut for re-entering the password on subsequent login
V 1.12
Added shortcuts to run my command on open/close event
Added a command to toggle keyboard shortcuts
Remove "Login successful" message after password reset
V 1.13
Added "Login successful" message after password reset
Remove "Logout" message after successful login
Added additional screen for the first time after logout
V 1.14
Bug fixes
Removed the error message "Restoring Password" when the user does not have an account
Added the option to choose between "custom" and "empty" password reset
V 1.15
Bug fixes
Fixed the bug to add password reset
V 1.16
Added options to change password for login/logout
V 1.17
Added "Login successful" message
V 1.18
Bug fixes
V 1.19
Added text to inform the user that the password change was done
Bug fixes
V 1.20
Bug fixes
V 1.21
Bug fixes
V 1.22
Bug fixes
V 1.23
Bug fixes
V 1.24
Added the option to change


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