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KeyMacro enables you to retype a line of code from your macro, by inserting a predefined text, right in your script.
To make a line of code, you simply need to: 1) Go to the Script Insert tab, 2) Click the “New” button, 3) Click the “Macro” and select “Macro Insert Macro” option, and finally 4) Set the code’s variables and parameters and click “OK”.
A feature that makes the app a lot more powerful is the fact that you can create unlimited macros (lines of code) that you can insert, in any area of your script. This way, you can make an infinite number of lines of code, that can be very useful if you often copy and paste lines of code that may need to be slightly modified.
KEYMACRO comes packed with a variety of features, such as previewing, inserting macros from keyboard, converting text or line of code, and many more.
KeyMacro is truly a must have tool in every Macro Fan’s toolkit.
KeyMacro is a powerful program that enables you to insert a line of code, right in your script.
The application allows you to create macros of any length, so that you can insert the same line of code, everywhere you need it, in your script.
Furthermore, the program is packed with features that allow you to preview macros as well as insert them into any place in your script, directly from keyboard.
KeyMacro is a freebie tool, available for Mac and Windows users.
KEYMACRO enables you to insert macros of any length and place them in any area of your script.
KeyMacro is a freebie program, packed with a variety of powerful features, such as previewing, inserting, converting text or line of code, and many more.

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Create your own customized macro that does something that you want.
In this video we will learn the basics of how to program macro's.
In this video we go through a step by step process of how to create a macro in visual basic. We start with editing our first macro and then we go over the instructions for how to add an entire macro.
1. Start visual basic
2. Create a new module
3. Create a new procedure
4. Create the function of our new procedure.
5. Create our new function
6. Give our procedure a name
7. Call our new function
8. Test our function.
9. Test our function to make sure that it works.
10. Make sure that our function works correctly.
11. Save the module.
12. Our new procedure is ready.
13. Save the procedure.
14. Save the module.
15. Close the module
16. Close the procedure
17. Close the program.
If you want to go into even more detail you can learn how to write a LUA macro as well. The basic process is very similar to writing a visual basic macro.
We learn how to start a lua interpreter. We then create a table to store our variables in. Next we create a function for our new procedure.
In this video we go through a step by step process of how to create a lua macro in visual basic. We start with editing our first macro and then we go over the instructions for how to add an entire macro.
1. Start visual basic
2. Create a new module
3. Create a new procedure
4. Create the function of our new procedure.
5. Create our new function
6. Give our procedure a name
7. Call our new function
8. Test our function.
9. Test our function to make sure that it works.
10. Make sure that our function works correctly.
11. Save the module.
12. Our new procedure is ready.
13. Save the procedure.
14. Save the module.
15. Close the module
16. Close the procedure
17. Close the program.
17. Visual Basic macros
If you want to go into even more detail you can learn how to write a lua macro as well. The


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