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Witchinour Download Setup Exe

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About This Game

Witchinour is a top-down, bullet hell cute 'em up with an emphasis on playing fast, inspired by games like Nuclear Throne, Vampire of the Sands, and Risk of Rain.

You play as Nour, a witch in training who lost her spell book while exploring a dungeon. You'll have to dodge, shoot, cast, and upgrade your way through the dungeon's randomized floors to get it back, but don't take it easy... the dungeon will become more alert as you make your way downwards, making enemies fiercer and unraveling the environment; clear floors quickly to keep your alert level in check!

Controller users: you can enable controller mode by pressing the A button (and you can switch back to keyboard + mouse mode by pressing any keyboard key) 6d5b4406ea

Title: Witchinour
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 12 Jun, 2017


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Fun small game were you unlock new spells and classes as you die. It's really difficult I would say as I only got to level 10 in 5-10 tries. Fun and fast, and really cheap as well.. Nice small roguelike gem in a great price in sales (0,99) for the content it provides! A good variety of enemies and bosses , not good variety of relics , you get almost the same each run and this is never good for the replayability of a roguelike.. Very fun though and addictive , I really enjoy it! I would prefer though 1 key for the first spell and 1 key for the second spell not one key for playing spells and one key for changing spells between them this is just so comfusing in the fight!. Small rogue-lite that has good pacing and reminds me a bit of Nuclear Throne. There are random floors after you get past the first boss, and the difficulty curve is pretty fair, if not a bit challenging later on. You can turn off the scanlines in the options if that's not your thing.. Bad game. Enemy projectiles sometiems clip through walls which becomes a problem in narrow corridors.. Witchinour is an awesome rogue-like. Faced paced, unforgiving and really fun to play.

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