La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Runbow
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, Racing
13AM Games
13AM Games
Release Date: 18 Nov, 2016
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Runbow is an addicting, fun and very very colourful game. I'll say that.
ALSO WHY DO I LOVE THE MUSIC SO MUCH. I am disappointed. The game is quite unplayable. The control of the game that a player has is horrible.. Oh boy... I waited for this game for so long on PC, there's a big emotional charge to it, but it isn't what I will talk about.
Let's talk about up to 9 player multiplayer... up to 9 player multiplayer on the same device. I know this is very niche, but so far this is the only game that alowed a very party-like play on pc, 2 people on the keyboard, 4 on wireless 360 controllers, the rest on traditional cable joysticks and a LOT of fun.
Just filling this gap was reason enough to recommend this!. We tried the game as a group of 4 and unfortunately it wasn't any fun. Maybe the big mistake was to play it after SpeedRunners. Overall the mechanic of the vanishing colored obstacles\/platforms etc was more frustrating than fun.. I am disappointed. The game is quite unplayable. The control of the game that a player has is horrible.. I like it! I just wanted to give this game a good review because it deserves one.. This is a fun multi-player online game. I remember first playing it at the Experiance Music Project in WA. I wish it was more popular so it would be easier to find other people to play with online.. Really fun with friends. It sucks that not many people own the game though, it's really underrated.. this is quite possibly the most underrated game on steam, Extremley alot of fun and alot better than speedrunners. this is quite possibly the most underrated game on steam, Extremley alot of fun and alot better than speedrunners
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