La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Vision of Aurora Borealis
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Purin Productions
Purin Productions
Release Date: 22 Aug, 2016
vision of aurora borealis
"What man hides from God, God will hide from man." This is the premiere that opens this KN. Be aware that this novel is short,very short, it took me 50 minutes to finish it, is worthy? definetely. the story,the art,the music and the message are amazing, also a recomendation if you are of those who cry easily this KN can make you drop some tears.. Wished it could of been longer at least 3-5 hours to flush out the story and backgrounds for the characters. Overall it made me cry.. This kinetic novella is nice, if a bit sad. the protagonist meets a mysterious young lady while he is out trying to find himself. They have a connection, but he is. unsure what it is. Quick and powerful as it may be, and cheap as it is. I might suggest getting it on discount. That said. there might be more coming.. As much as I appreciate the effort that probably went into this novel (especially on the art front), I can't bring myself to recommend it. The art is pretty (although it can be off-putting if you're not into the overly-anime style; also, although the MC says Gryla has remarkably pointy elf ears, her ears are average and human-looking, both in sprites and in CGs ), the GUI and backgrounds are beautiful, and it certainly has a nice amount of CGs in comparison to its length, but it doesn't have many redeeming qualities besides those. The premise could have been interesting, but it is not explored to its full potential and some actions taken by the characters seem random or unnatural due to how rushed the whole thing is. The story is also too short to properly get into or to allow you to be truly involved with the characters. Despite the "Extras" option on the main menu, it is not really available and you can't view a CG Gallery or anything of the sort. Lastly, the end doesn't make much sense, and given what the story provides you with, you're not really sure whether there is an unspoken explanation for it or just a gaping plot hole. Considering the existence of free VNs out there that last up to 10 hours and have more captivating characters and complex storylines, I sadly cannot recommend this one.. All I could say about this Visual novel that it's beautiful. The story is very interesting and worth reading it, but it is still a bit short. The artstyle is great.. I felt like this was a VN I wanted to like but couldn't. I completed it in 48 minutes, which isn't too bad considering I only paid $1.99 for it, but just about every minute of it was forgettable. The dialog feels very awkward and unnatural, the music has no fade in or out which makes the transitions feel very abrupt, the story was dull and lacking in detail, and the bond the main characters had felt so forced and unnatural. I will give it one thing, the art was awesome. I really liked all the scenary, and the girl and fox looked great. but even that falls short because there are a few 10 minute periods where you're staring at a black screen and reading dialog one line at a time. I hope the team that worked on this uses this as a learning experience, because while Vision of Aurora Borealis isn't great, it certainly isn't bad. And even though I would not recommend it, it still feels like a good beginning, and I hope they continue to make more.. Made me cri
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