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Vice Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4 ->>->>->> http://urllio.com/r19hm

Original Title: Vice

Genge: Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi,Thriller










































Julian Michaels (Bruce Willis) has designed the ultimate resort: VICE, where anything goes and the customers can play out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look, think and feel like humans. When an artificial (Ambyr Childers) becomes self-aware and escapes, she finds herself caught in the crossfire between Julian's mercenaries and a cop (Thomas Jane) who is hell-bent on shutting down Vice, and stopping the violence once and for all.
Bruce Willis stars in this Sci-Fi thriller about ultimate resort: VICE, where customers can play out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look like humans.
The plot was terrible and had so many holes. Just too much didn't make sense. The story just wasn't convincing at all.

Here are 12 terrible plot points about the movie:

1. If Vice is so expensive to get in, how do all these low-life criminals afford to get in, and yet the locals in the city never seem to have been inside? And why are all the men rapists?

2. If Vice is a city (within a city), then why is there only one entrance? And where are the fences or walls? Why not build the place in the middle of the desert like Las Vegas or something? Why build it within an existing city?

3. When Kelly goes to the bar, why did she leave right after watching the news? She's lost and confused. Shouldn't she be sticking around to ask for questions? Why did she even go to the bar in the first place??

4. When the Vice men first approach Kelly in the parking garage with the rapist from the bar, why didn't they even talk to the rapist guy? You know, tell him to stand back or get away or something. They just ignored him and then shot him afterwards. And why did the rapist even try to attack the Vice guy with a knife? With 2 armed men standing behind him? Seriously?

5. The warehouse scene made absolutely no sense. They chased her there, she hid behind a pillar, and instead of walking to the end to look for her, they just started shooting randomly after counting down. Why were they even chasing Kelly with guns? She was unarmed!! Nor does she have any super powers! Just run after her and grab her!

6. At the church when Kelly meets Evan, he isn't even surprised to see her. It's like he was expecting her. Again, how and why?

7. Why wasn't Vice able to track her GPS to the church? And the tracking device was in the bracelet as opposed to being implanted in her? Really? Even after the bracelet was disabled, they could have at least tracked her last GPS location.

8. The armed men from Vice are wearing protective gear, and yet they can be taken down with a pistol? WTF?

9. At the pier, the cargo ship is leaving in less than 20 minutes. And yet when they get there, they're standing around and waiting. What kind of cargo ship isn't there 20 minutes before departure??? Just whom are they waiting for? Also how the hell do you make a reservation for a cargo ship?

10. Why did she need an upgrade? What did she even upgrade? All she did was karate chop a security guard and take his gun. Then she shot another security guard. Awesome upgrade, right? And how was none of that caught on surveillance?

11. When entering the control room of Vice, nobody even saw her? The room was full of people! And again, nothing was caught on surveillance? They should have had an army waiting for her!

12. And just what was the whole reason for taking down Vice? Roy's supposed to be a cop. And yet he runs around like Rambo killing all the security guards inside as if Vice were a terrorist organization. Vice is a private company! Regardless of your ethics, you don't run around shooting the employees of a company just because you don't like it. I don't buy it.

Don't bother watching this movie, unless you already have and are just re-watching it to compare my questions to the movie. Welcome From Here - I watched the film knowing nothing about it. I wish I had taken the time to look up previews, THIS FILM IS An ABSOLUTE WASTE OF TIME! The story, about an android that gains self awareness, is poorly delivered. The acting, the camera shots and overall feel comes across as very low budget & as cheaply made as possible. I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but the more I watched the more the predictable storyline, poor performances & dismal direction had me losing my viewing interest.

Both Bruce Willis & Thomas Jane should be genuinely ashamed to take on main roles in such a below par project. Even more so for enforcing these poor standards by delivering such atrocious performances! The story's premise has been covered many times in other films so there is plenty of material out there to get inspiration from. There is absolutely nothing here to catch a viewers interest and Bruce Willis and Thomas Jane actually add to the low quality experience.

Give it a miss! Vice takes the basic premise from 1973's Westworld and morphs it into an incoherent slog.


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