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The Armenian Jewelry Industry -- An Introduction

The jewelry industry in Armenia can be suggested to have started during the 1980s while a satellite country of the Soviet Union. The country began its well-known diamond processing industry around this time, but saw a decline in 1991 due to the failure of the Soviet Union.

Armenian jewelry has been known for its use of diamonds and other fine rocks, and the unique designs on the jewelry that is often found in ancient burial grounds in your neighborhood. The obsidian diamond is also a well-known diamond from the area. The technique used to cut obsidian made it through through the Soviet profession. The jewelers will cut the obsidian so that it is paper-thin, giving it an strangely transparent quality. The obsidian found in Armenia is the most natural in the world, making it the only variety suitable for the posh jewelry market.

The designs found in Armenian jewelry return generations. Flowers and sectors are only in intricate patterns in ancient Armenian tombs and burial grounds. These patterns remain popular designs for utilization in anklet bracelets and bangles today. Some pieces have multiple colors -- jewelry with strip of different colored treasures are not uncommon for modern designs.

The cross is a favorite symbol often found in Armenian jewelry pieces. These passes across often have intricate designs -- from sharp and looped corners to whirling leaves on the body of the cross. Other passes across are simple and elegant -- with treasures on the body of the cross and a group of three treasures on each corner.

Gold and silver are common metals for ancient and modern pieces alike. Bronze is also common for more traditional pieces -- such as headpieces for girls with coins and rings. Anklet bracelets with rings attached are also common for bronze jewelry in Armenia.

Long, dangling pieces are also a natural on traditional pieces. A normal pair of jewelry can have ten or more pieces that hang off the bottom of the earring's base. Necklaces can have a large, central piece that is held by a single hook on the band. ermeni soykırımı Some have groupings of dangling pieces in a pattern while other pieces have one group of multiple dangling pieces.

The Armenian Jewelers Association (the "AJA") was founded in 1998 with the intention of uniting jewelers from Armenia. The business works to help expand trade, commerce, and jewelry manufacturing in Armenia.

The association aims to link those in the various positions in the jewelry business who are of Armenian lineage in a spirit of cooperation, vestibule for jewelry trade-friendly legislation, give a forum for Armenian jewelers to discuss their affairs, and to obtain good rates for various services that the jewelers need in order to market their products to the world.

The country of Armenia has a rich, fascinating, and sometimes awful history, and the development of the jewelry industry in Armenia and by those of Armenian lineage is an interesting study. Armenian jewelers are pga masters at diamond and stone cutting, and the patterns found in ancient burial tombs can be found in Armenian jewelry today.

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