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Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden Addons

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About This Game

“By blending real-time stealth with tried-and-true tactics gameplay, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden breaks exciting new ground for the turn-based st 5d3b920ae0

Title: Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Genre: RPG, Strategy
The Bearded Ladies
Release Date: 4 Dec, 2018


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 64 Bit/ Windows 8 64 Bit/ Windows 10 64 Bit
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    The idea of this game is better than the execution. It needs more play-testing and difficulty adjustment and some additional depth in the form of abilities or base upgrades or something. You are required by the mechanics to use stealth as much as possible and it becomes a slow desperate crawl of waiting, ambushing, and boredom. XCOM really punished you, but this game doesn't have the depth and options. The characters are are pretty great. It would make a great animated movie. but the game is pretty simple and dull. It's fair these days to expect a basic set of gameplay options where you can choose to stealth / aggressive / technical. This game forces you to take one narrow approach where buying an EMP grenade and gaming the AI is the only solution. Basically, success feels like you have cheated compared to XCOM where success made you feel like a badass trained soldier.. I simply can't recommend this game due to some major factors which I'll go into detail after describing what I like about the game. If you want my general thoughts, skip to the end. To note, I was playing on the hardest difficulty. Also, there are spoilers for some character abilities, enemies and the end of the game included with this review. To start, I enjoyed the stealth element that allows you to scout out the enemy positions and even eliminate one or all of them without going into full on combat. This was the highlight of the gameplay for me since it allowed for more strategic options. Another part of the game that I liked was the description of some of the items and the character interaction that happened occasionally. However, it would sometimes be a little too goofy with the item descriptions specifically. In addition, I really liked some of the character skills, some of them changed the way you played such as gaining the ability to mind control enemies and fly , and each character had their own unique skills that only they could use. Now onto parts which I'm okay with. The world building both in terms of the lore and design of the levels are not too good but passable. The levels are fairly standard ruins and wilderness but with interesting parts scattered throughout. The worlds lore for the most part only describes the minimum needed to understand some things, but some times not enough. The rest of the combat (excluding the stealth) is basically simplified XCOM. The most prominent example of this is by the percentage chance to hit. your chance to hit will always be either 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and is mainly based on distance from target and range of the gun. However, this simplified system and stealth can sometimes work against the game such as with one of my late game encounters. It was a giant robot with a lot of health and armor and it's suppose to be one of if not the toughest enemies in the game with other smaller robots within alert range of it. By using nothing but low level silenced weapons and the occasional EMP grenade, I was able to kill it without it getting a single chance to call for help or fight back. Also, your party can contain a max of three characters, and there are five characters total, but the first three you get are perfectly suited for each other (One flanker, one tank, and one sniper) in this combat system. The only time I used either of the other two characters was just to see how they played and then I immediately switched back. Furthermore, the plot revolves around the first two you get, so I felt that I had to keep them to get more story info. Lastly the hub area which contains all the upgrade shops and some story info was serviceable, it was the only area in the game that didn't allow for you to walk around which was a shame, but that meant you could go to the important places much faster. Finally, onto why I don't like this game and can't recommend it. First, a little past the halfway point, I maxed out my character stats and obtained the best weapons and armor in the game resulting in the majority of the fights being pushovers. It also doesn't help that you can upgrade weapons to gain damage and range bonuses as well as attachments such as chances to stun and burn. The combat became so easy that by the end, I thought the finial boss was just a regular enemy that I had to face before the real final boss. Second, There was very little to explore and almost no side quests. For explorable areas, you have to go through nearly every area in the game for the main story and there are less than a handful of extra areas to explore. For side quest, there are only two, in which one was a fetch quest and the other was go here and kill bandits, and only one of them offered two endings. Third, the game is very short for what it is. This is mainly a personally preference of mine, but I generally feel that games with the RPG tag should take longer than about 15 hours to do everything (main story, side quests and areas, max out characters and items, and all collectables). Steam has about 20 hours recorded due to me double checking areas and restarting the game once due to the ending and game crashes. Fourth, There is almost on role playing in this game even though it has an RPG tag. It is a linear story with no variation as to how it plays out. Fifth, and most importantly, the ending is one of the worst I have seen in any game. The ending is not only bad on a narrative level, but on a design level. Spoilers for the end of the game in the next paragraph! To briefly explain, after killing the pathetic final boss you enter an underground research lab and the characters recount memories of growing up there. There are no enemies and nothing to do but walk around and listen to the characters. The segment ends with a final memory giving a plot twist that you can see from a mile away that boils down to mutant being purposefully created by humans, but the elder (the leader of the mutants) was a scientist who kidnapped them, took them into the wasteland, and forced them to be his servants protecting and providing for him while he sits in a fortress. Side note, the rot mentioned in the story never comes up in any significant way that I can remember. After the revelation, the narration says how they have a long journey ahead of them in order to find the truth. Now here is where it gets really bad. At this point I thought "okay, this is the jumping off point for the rest of the game, the map is going to expand showing that the current area was only about 1/10 of the total map, and the story will consist of finding the elder and fighting off the humans who survived and are trying to take over the world again". But that doesn't happen. What happens is that one of the characters, Borman, gets a headache and passes out. The credits start rolling and I'm left sitting there thinking that it can't be over already. I reloaded the game, and started a second game trying to check to see if I missed something. But no, the game just ends on a massive cliffhanger, one the likes I have never seen before, and acts like nothing is wrong with doing that. Narratively it is bad since there is no resolution for the characters or player, and design wise it is screaming "BUY THE NEXT GAME TO GET YOUR CONCLUSION!". This is on a worse level than locking off the true ending behind a paywall, at least there you get some form of ending, but this game give you no ending at all. I would have preferred a rushed or badly written ending compared to the non-ending given. The horrible ending is the reason I can't recommend this game. Over all, the gameplay is fine even though it gets easy by the end. There needs to be more world building, side quests, explorable areas, and more game. The ending is terrible and is the primary reason I can't recommend this game. The entire game felt like it was the act 1 of a much longer game. Just pass on buying this, even if it's on sale.. This game was fun had me interested from start to finish.Highly recommend this game if you like games similar to xcom. I do wish the game was moddable would have been great to see all the different ideas that could be done with this fun game.. This is my kind of game. If you work hard at the beginning you will finish the game being slightly overpowered. This has always given me the strongest reward feeling. The post-apocalyptic world is super cool, characters are compelling and gameplay is a good X-COM-like.. This isn't XCOM. In fact, it only looks remotely like it, but what this game really is. is Odium-esque game using XCOM tactical mode with incredible amount of polish (this is what XCOM should have been from the start), Wasteland-ish postapoc setting with Stalker based flavourm Witcher level of attention to detail and a trope-classic, hard-boiled storytelling. In fact, Witcher 3 is something MYZ most closely and immediately resembles, despite the tactical component. And unlike some other games, it never pretends to be something else, and it delivers in spades its true core.. It relies heavily on stealth, despite the stealth not being very fleshed out. If you accidentally alert more than one enemy, they will call every enemy on the map, and you'll be stuck in looong, drab combat until you've cleared them all out. If you want to play this game, I recommend only upgrading your stealth weapons until they're as powerful as possible, always keeping Bormin in your party because his stun is vital if you can't down an enemy in three shots (which is most of the time unless you crit), and to save often.. There is a very large portion of the game where it gets incredibly stagnant and there is a large gap for acquiring both gear and XP. Between level 20 - 30 the game is just awful. Even before then, the game isn't about tactics as much as it is about waiting. I wish I had few enough hours to return it. Steam's policy of 2 hours of play time is encouraging developers to make a decent beginning and then flub games up quickly afterward. I've seen it a few times, and this one is a glaring example of that.. I simply can't recommend this game due to some major factors which I'll go into detail after describing what I like about the game. If you want my general thoughts, skip to the end. To note, I was playing on the hardest difficulty. Also, there are spoilers for some character abilities, enemies and the end of the game included with this review. To start, I enjoyed the stealth element that allows you to scout out the enemy positions and even eliminate one or all of them without going into full on combat. This was the highlight of the gameplay for me since it allowed for more strategic options. Another part of the game that I liked was the description of some of the items and the character interaction that happened occasionally. However, it would sometimes be a little too goofy with the item descriptions specifically. In addition, I really liked some of the character skills, some of them changed the way you played such as gaining the ability to mind control enemies and fly , and each character had their own unique skills that only they could use. Now onto parts which I'm okay with. The world building both in terms of the lore and design of the levels are not too good but passable. The levels are fairly standard ruins and wilderness but with interesting parts scattered throughout. The worlds lore for the most part only describes the minimum needed to understand some things, but some times not enough. The rest of the combat (excluding the stealth) is basically simplified XCOM. The most prominent example of this is by the percentage chance to hit. your chance to hit will always be either 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and is mainly based on distance from target and range of the gun. However, this simplified system and stealth can sometimes work against the game such as with one of my late game encounters. It was a giant robot with a lot of health and armor and it's suppose to be one of if not the toughest enemies in the game with other smaller robots within alert range of it. By using nothing but low level silenced weapons and the occasional EMP grenade, I was able to kill it without it getting a single chance to call for help or fight back. Also, your party can contain a max of three characters, and there are five characters total, but the first three you get are perfectly suited for each other (One flanker, one tank, and one sniper) in this combat system. The only time I used either of the other two characters was just to see how they played and then I immediately switched back. Furthermore, the plot revolves around the first two you get, so I felt that I had to keep them to get more story info. Lastly the hub area which contains all the upgrade shops and some story info was serviceable, it was the only area in the game that didn't allow for you to walk around which was a shame, but that meant you could go to the important places much faster. Finally, onto why I don't like this game and can't recommend it. First, a little past the halfway point, I maxed out my character stats and obtained the best weapons and armor in the game resulting in the majority of the fights being pushovers. It also doesn't help that you can upgrade weapons to gain damage and range bonuses as well as attachments such as chances to stun and burn. The combat became so easy that by the end, I thought the finial boss was just a regular enemy that I had to face before the real final boss. Second, There was very little to explore and almost no side quests. For explorable areas, you have to go through nearly every area in the game for the main story and there are less than a handful of extra areas to explore. For side quest, there are only two, in which one was a fetch quest and the other was go here and kill bandits, and only one of them offered two endings. Third, the game is very short for what it is. This is mainly a personally preference of mine, but I generally feel that games with the RPG tag should take longer than about 15 hours to do everything (main story, side quests and areas, max out characters and items, and all collectables). Steam has about 20 hours recorded due to me double checking areas and restarting the game once due to the ending and game crashes. Fourth, There is almost on role playing in this game even though it has an RPG tag. It is a linear story with no variation as to how it plays out. Fifth, and most importantly, the ending is one of the worst I have seen in any game. The ending is not only bad on a narrative level, but on a design level. Spoilers for the end of the game in the next paragraph! To briefly explain, after killing the pathetic final boss you enter an underground research lab and the characters recount memories of growing up there. There are no enemies and nothing to do but walk around and listen to the characters. The segment ends with a final memory giving a plot twist that you can see from a mile away that boils down to mutant being purposefully created by humans, but the elder (the leader of the mutants) was a scientist who kidnapped them, took them into the wasteland, and forced them to be his servants protecting and providing for him while he sits in a fortress. Side note, the rot mentioned in the story never comes up in any significant way that I can remember. After the revelation, the narration says how they have a long journey ahead of them in order to find the truth. Now here is where it gets really bad. At this point I thought "okay, this is the jumping off point for the rest of the game, the map is going to expand showing that the current area was only about 1/10 of the total map, and the story will consist of finding the elder and fighting off the humans who survived and are trying to take over the world again". But that doesn't happen. What happens is that one of the characters, Borman, gets a headache and passes out. The credits start rolling and I'm left sitting there thinking that it can't be over already. I reloaded the game, and started a second game trying to check to see if I missed something. But no, the game just ends on a massive cliffhanger, one the likes I have never seen before, and acts like nothing is wrong with doing that. Narratively it is bad since there is no resolution for the characters or player, and design wise it is screaming "BUY THE NEXT GAME TO GET YOUR CONCLUSION!". This is on a worse level than locking off the true ending behind a paywall, at least there you get some form of ending, but this game give you no ending at all. I would have preferred a rushed or badly written ending compared to the non-ending given. The horrible ending is the reason I can't recommend this game. Over all, the gameplay is fine even though it gets easy by the end. There needs to be more world building, side quests, explorable areas, and more game. The ending is terrible and is the primary reason I can't recommend this game. The entire game felt like it was the act 1 of a much longer game. Just pass on buying this, even if it's on sale.. The video far surpasses the game. I'm a graphics guy, I LOVES me some graphics! And this game has a pretty sweet look to it. (what made me buy it) But. There's just no stuff! weapons, usable parts, I mean, my guns are never enough, I have managed to kill a few times without someone calling in every other mob on the board but most of the time I just have to try again and again. and again. This game has great potential. but I feel it keeps fun just out of reach by way of under powered weapons and not enough you can do with them. be cool if mobs re-spawned in completed areas so you could build scrap and hone your tactics. I can't recommend it as is unless you can pick it up cheap (I paid 22 bucks on sail, and don't feel ripped off like I would if I paid 40 or 50). Gonna keep an eye on it a while and see if they fix it up. So. yea, I'm not uninstalling it quite yet.. Ultimately I had to refund it. Why? Combat is just tedious and the AI is way overpowered. I don't mind difficulty and I don't mind the AI having better gear or being higher level. What I do mind is AI that can do things you can never do nor counter it. Example: In the demo, the area you play there is one instance where the enemy outranks you, and it tells you to go around it. I had 2 guys who had silenced weapons, and 1 that was loud. These are the enemy: 1 - Shaman (Which if anyone detects you, he calls in However, in the final release, right after the initial "demo" area you run into enemies at least twice your level that you can not go around. reinforcements (3 other people) 2 - ModBot A robot that can heal killed AI. Well what's the problem with that? a) The modbot heals the downed to almost full health. SO that last grenade you used to take out that annoying guy? Wasted if the the modbot gets to him b) The modbot is barely affected by fire. Which means even if you decide to throw a precious molotov at him, he only burns for 1 turn 3 - Snipers who can hit you much farther out than any of your guys can. 4 - Brutes who carry axes and can knock your health down by half with 1 attack, and carry a pistol for ranged attack. Okay, so I have 3 characters, each level 5. All the enemy are level 10. You have a choice, shoot at the Shaman using a silenced weapon. Ah, but if you don't kill him with your first attack, everyone else knows you fired With 3 level 5 characters, there is no way I can kill the Shaman with 1 turn, so he of course calls in reinforcements. So now I'm dealing with 1 Shaman, 1 Modbot, 2 Snipers and 3 Brutes, ALL level 10. And since I wasted one turn trying to kill the Shaman, it's now the AI's turn and by the end of their move, I have characters near death. If your health on a character gets to zero, you have 3 turns to heal them. Medkits only heal about half damage. I have 5 health kits. - I finally kill the Shaman and the Modbot runs over and starts healing the Shaman. The only way I can stop the Modbot is to use the 1 guy I have who has a gun with knock down power. This will stop the Modbot from healing for 1 turn. So I have to dedicate 1 of my 3 guys to plinking at the modbot just to keep him from healing anyone I've managed to drop. Now remember, I now only have 2 guys capable of attacking others and I still have 2 Snipers and 3 Brutes. Oh well, one of my guys in bleeding out. I waste a guys turn so he can heal my guy to less than half health and waste a precious medkit, because the very next turn the AI drops the same guy again. So I'm down to 1 guy who can actively fight, and I am still facing 4 enemies. NOW, throw in the RNG of where my sniper guy, who I kitted out with higher accuracy and higher range has missed a guy at point blank range 5 TURNS IN A ROW! And this was all on the EASIEST DIFFICULTY!. Arghhhhh! ***By the way, the AI can melee attack you, but I have no way to melee attack them back!*** So they have better healing, better attack modes, and outrank and outnumber you! CONCLUSION: After wanting to slam a fist through my monitor I filed for a refund. This game has great atmosphere and an intriguing story I would like to see through, but the combat is down right non-fun and an exercise in frustration. If they ever overhaul the turn-based combat and level the playing field, I might reconsider this title when it's on a major sale again. TIP: If you play the demo, it adds the demo time to your retail time, so if you want to file for a refund, let Steam know that at least an hour of the reported time came from the DEMO which does NOT showcase how quickly the difficulty ramps up.

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