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Lock's Quest Torrent Download [Ativador]

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About This Game

Build defenses and battle against the Clockwork horde in the next generation remake of the critically acclaimed 2008 Nintendo DS title, Lock’s Quest! You play as Lock, a boy who stumbles upon an invasion of his Village, which triggers a wider war between Kingdom Force and a revived Clockwork Army, led by the nefarious Lord Agony. A gripping story unfolds as you progress through 75 Days of warfare, across a dozen unique maps, aided by a collection of turrets, traps and special attacks. Experience the game as it was meant to be, with a high-quality soundtrack, new high resolution portraits, and revised gameplay with support for both Keyboard / Mouse and Gamepad!

  • Place Kingdom Force units to defend your capitol in a brand new Endless Mode - Antonia Defense!
  • Build up your fortifications each day to defend against a timed Clockwork assault. Use dozens of Turrets, Traps and Helpers to stop the advance.
  • Fight alongside your defenses, using context sensitive Special Attacks, and devastating Super Attacks, which impact a wide range of enemies.
  • Unlock the secrets of Kingdom Force and the Archineers via an engrossing story with a multi character cast, told via hand drawn cinematics and cutscenes.

Remaster Features:
  • All music remastered in high definition, with orchestrated introduction and ending
  • Player controls remapped for keyboard/mouse and gamepad input
  • Cute pixel characters and maps brilliantly enhanced in high resolution, a new revamped User Interface, customized for increased PC and consoles resolution, including all new GUI Art.
  • Brand new Antonia Defense Battles featuring a new map
  • New progression system automatically unlocks new turrets at specific story plot points
  • Endless Mode: Place Kingdom Force units to defend Antonia in this new and special mode

Title: Lock's Quest
Genre: Indie, RPG, Strategy
Digital Continue
Release Date: 30 May, 2017


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 2.0 Ghz or above
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space


TLDR: PC keyboard mouse controls harder than the NDS version, 1st map unusually hard, other bugs, hard but playable, mixed recommendation but hopeful. Probably should wait to see new updates, caution advised.

I was about to write an angry rant for my favorite NDS game remaster, but took another crack at beating the first map before I posted. I have now finished the game and updated this review. The controls on PC keyboard and mouse for ratching and special attacks are indeed harder than the NDS version and changes absolutely must be made to make them easier. At the bottom are my ideas for keyboard changes, but here are other important differences between the PC version and the NDS version:

1) The first map is unusally hard.
On the NDS, the first map is a breeze, but you can and probably will lose structures on this map. The biggest part of that is the controls for ratching and special attacks, however, there are a few more problems that contribute to the overall difficulty.

2) Clockwork aggro is not exactly the same as the NDS version.
They will not target Lock as well as before, meaning your structures take more damage and the game becomes harder. This actually feels present mostly on the first map for some reason and less on the later maps.

3) Targeting lag and suspended fire from turrets
Assuming a straight wall going left to right, turrets sometimes do not attack clockworks if they are attacking a wall piece to the left or right of the turret. I know the archer clockwork is made to be partially out of range, but this happens with the melee clockworks. Furthermore, Lock can have some problems when chosing a target, but that was already in the NDS version so its not a big problem. Brutes do not counterattack if Lock attacks them mid charge, and they stand next to Lock perpetually charging while they are killed. Brutes don't stop their charges if they don't reach a structure, which wasn't in the NDS version, but it helps when they get stuck against terrain. Some targets for Lock to free or set explosives etc. have trouble being targeted when first right clicked from a distance. Many or nearly all physical barriers do not stop arrows, this can be a problem when archers are out of tower range, but that is their intended role.

4) Build mode selecting and rotation and support towers.
Selecting from a cluster of structures is harder on PC than the NDS version. At the stone fort on the second map the stone structures cannot be rotated. The NDS version allowed for this, so I am unsure if the developers intend for us to move them. I feel these stone structures should be allowed to be rotated because that was how the NDS played out. I am not sure that helpers, the support towers, do much. The tower for detecting phantom clockworks works properly, but the repair helper did not seem to repair anything no matter the orientation relative to the damaged structure. I cannot speak for the other helpers because even in the NDS version I never really used them.

5) General movement problems.
Movement problems were in the NDS version too, but on PC, clicking and draging to guide Lock in a timely NDS like manner is not possible. I use left clicking to get by, then right clicking while on the way to a target.

6) The later levels will become harder if you are not prepared.
Given the differences in controls and movement, strategies that I used to get by the first few levels with as little resources as possible do not work as well as before. I play an extremely agressive Lock that looks to engage in fisticuffs and tactical pick-offs, but I can definately say the game is harder with PC keyboard controls. I definately use more resources than before to passby all levels than the NDS version.
If you cannot bank resouces you may have trouble on some levels where you must defend two to three targets.

7) Seige Mode is replaced and there is no post game like the NDS version.
The cute seige minigame-like defense of Antonia is replaced with the new Antonia defense, the one with the Kingdom Force. It is a sad tradeoff. The far worse change is the disapearance of the post game. I wanted to go to the developers hall but no, the file resets to day 74 every time after completion.

8) Personal differences I noticed (the little things).
The brute charge cannot be stopped by using Lock as a meat shield and this makes me sad, but hey, at least they reduced the charge damage. Where are the scrap pieces too? They give the structures unlike the NDS version. Graphical errors are present too, I saw a knight in a cutscene freeze in a hurt position, but there are other cases throughout the game. Some images appear to be partially behind the background or flash in and out of view. Lock can also phase though a lot of terrain that used to be impassable in the NDS version. However, this phasing actually helps you to repair your structures. When a clockwork is being healed by a healer clockwork, its healthbar and maybe sound effects may stay around if it dies during healing. I don't like the new healing sound effect, its loud. Mute, the mage clockwork boss is much easier than before. The special abilities must be selected at the start of every battle round, unlike the NDS version where your preferences stuck.

9) Story and cutscene changes.
Kenan's recruit quiz is gone. I believe there are a few dialogue changes but none that I can say are game changing. There are fewer days so the story is easier to follow, but it's a shorter game now.

I have played all of the PC version as of now, and I can say that there are problems with this version, particularly the difficulty increase. If you are a veteran who has enjoyed Lock's Quest who is considering to play this version, the answer is yes if you want to revisit the story and gameplay. But, you may be better off not playing it if you own the NDS version. If you are not a veteran, you should consider if you want to see a unique tower defense rts with a nice story albeit difficult and buggy. Hopefully they will improve it; it is playable but harder than the NDS version. It is possible to finish the game.

After playing the game I decided to make a strategy guide for new players:
Don't sit in your base idle, you need to be an active player; you cannot wait for the clockworks reach your walls. If you run out at the start of the round you can kill or damage one clockwork. Prioritize types you hate the most. For most towers you should try to connect them to walls, they gain damage reduction bonuses based on how connected they are as seen through the shield and wrenches above them. Try to angle you towers so they face the clockworks directly in front, especially since of targeting issues (and always make sure your towers have their front sides forward because they have reduced range in the back). There is no hope for the first map. Try your best. For some reason its hard, probably because of the strange controls. Always try to reduce total costs for your runs, you need to save up for the end map at the Antonia gate to spam when the bosses come out. Use traps asap, they make the early maps easy until the fliers come out (poison freeze poison freeze...). I only use the basic and splash turrets, sometimes the last turret they give too. Not every level will have fliers, phantoms or burrowers, don't be afraid to reset your defenses to save money.

Personally, I hope special attacks will allow for keyboard controls. For the strong hit, 12345 will work. For the other abilities that I know appear later in the game, maybe Q,E, and R will work for different rotations on poison touch, maybe going up and down between arrow keys or Q and E will work for freeze touch, and maybe vampire touch can actually be the sliding bars with the mouse. The stylus on the NDS is simply far faster than the mouse on PC, so keyboard keys should be adopted for speed. The most important thing in my opinion, is ratching. It needs to use the scroll wheel up and down on the mouse.. Bad difficulty. it's my only regret, But could of done with a more casual difficulty. like a easy difficulty. I've play the DS game, and even that without Easy gets rough.

I cannot see myself playing this without a touchscreen, But if your seeking a game where you build, destroy and repair structures. i'd recommend it. its actually very fun, has a storyboard, And Music is above standard, it's actually fitting and otherwise awesome to listen too.. *sigh* Okay. I dont want to do this.
I love the games premise, the games style the games delivery.

Tower Defense isnt really dead per se, but after the oversaturation its become kind of rare to see any of them anymore.
And here I stumble over Locks Quest. It seemes cool, looked cool, sounded cool on paper. And Its a re-release for all other major outlets.

but this version, as much as it pains me, I can not recommend.
Because as good as the music is, as stressful as the battles get, as beautiful as the art is, there is a really basic thing that kills the game for me

the controls

Given, with a lot of the things you are able to do you see that this was an NDS title. Those little mini things to increase your combat damage or repair your defenses faster. But for what I feel, it doesnt really work on mouse\/KB controls.

As often as I tried to ratchet-repair my walls and turrets, as often Lock just sprinted off to the bottom of the screen where the little ratchet minigame was.
As often as I tried to repair a turret during a battle, as often Lock stormed headfirst into an enemy and fisticuffed it in the face
As often as I tried to quickly click through the combo during said fisticuffs, the more it just didnt register clicks and so I could count as well as some imageboards. 1, 4 Ah damn, now I'm stuck in combat for 3 more seconds while another wall gets ground to dust.

Another little gripe is that they dont completely explain controls, as in, I can place defenses with LMB, rotate them with RMB but how to deselect them.... good luck, you're on your own (its MMB, btw)

So yes, if possible try to get it for DS but PC? that quest ended quickly.

Sorry.. I love that they ported over the DS game, feels very nostalgic.... This game was one of my favorites on Ds in 2008, its sad that they replaced tower defence minigame with a survial minigame instead. the clockworks feel like they have gotten a buff. or im just used to using steel walls instead of wood walls xD. this game really pits on you to be observant on your structures, because if 1 tower falls most likely others will fall becasue of the constant hordes on clockwork they spawn every 10secounds. fighting is bad in big groups, my advise to attacking clockworks are to attack them from behind , not to go head on.

it feels like this game needs alot of polishing so all the bugs are gone, i hope they'll be a major update soon conserning these bugs because, overall this game is AWESOME its just i feel set back on these bugs it make it unplayable at the start, but i have faith that this game will be fixed in the near future.

Lots of major bugs like:
turrents not shooting enemies that are in range.
save button doesnt work. (most of the time)
control's are finicky. attacking and repairing is tough
Lock gets stuck if your in a bad position.
in survival PAIN got stuck in the water and couldnt attack or move. (which is a good thing in a way coz hes op)
when i was in tutorial when i had to sell a wall, it wouldnt let me sell one so i had to restart the game.

minor bugs are:
map not rendering.
stuck animations. (clockwork in battle, knight in cut scenes)
during cut scenes the map doesnt load in so its just one texture.

replaced tower defence mini game with survival. (which was the most enjoyable minigame here.)
Many bugs.
when locks quest wasnt on pc and other consoles
clockworks Dmg Seems higher then usual
when attacking or repairing you have to be careful not to miss click. (its very sensitive)
Lock being a bad brother

2008 masterpeice
music is awesome
locks quest on pc

I dont even know if i reccomend this game at this stage its more of a 50\/50
50 is how good the game is and the other 50 is the bugs and other stuff.
the price is good for a game like this $12 now and $14.99 in future.
you should try this game. when the bugs are fixed it will be a awesome game.. not worth $15, buggy, bad controls, better value to get a ds emulator and play the original. So I start off from a standpoint that I have played this game on the NDS, not just a little time I was deleting day 100 saves to start a new one and it has to be my favorite NDS Game. Now I didn't dislike the PC Port But I must stress it is not entirely the same game.

Sure the main story is similar but not the same important parts of the game have been removed or replaced

for instance turret parts removed now they just give you the turret,
Kenan test removed,
And Antonia guard minigame replaced with wave defence,

Now it is not a bad port the music is great the story is mostly complete and the game plays the same but I still prefer the NDS version better if you are fine with these changes then go for it it is great but otherwise you may not be so happy.

I think the devs need to put an option for an original mode with puts the

turret parts back,
the test back,
and replaces the minigame,

But that is how I feel others might like it.. Needs a bit of polish, but overall I had a good time. I love this game, i really do. The remastered version does however have game-breaking glitches that lead to things like infinite source, making the game super easy. My current main save file is day 13, and i lost a round and hit reset map, so that i couoe start from day 12 and fix my mistakes. It cleared all my defenses, but left me on day 13 with 90 source to spend. Ive done everything i can think of to fix this, but i may have to restart.

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