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Book reading is a habit that is learned and developed from a very early stage in life. Young children who have avid readers for parents are more inclined to become readers themselves as they grow up. Similarly, parents that read to their children from infancy or early childhood also learn to love the books and reading. The selection of books is an important factor when you read to your children. People tend to go for fiction and fairy tales to read to their young ones. Although there is no harm in reading sweet and classic time old fairy tales to your child, there are however certain obligations towards your religion as well. Being Muslim parents it is important to read Islamic books to your child.
Islamic books should therefore be a part of the collection that you read to your young ones at bedtime or story time. There are numerous wonderfully written and illustrated Islamic books available that tell the stories of all the prophets, their lives and the way they spread the religion. These stories not only are fun to read, but also provide your children with the basic knowledge about their religion in a fun and interesting way.
Other Islamic books such as those that teach about the basic doctrines of Islam also provide a wealth of information and make great reading for the young and adults alike. Islam In particular when a child sees his parent taking a deep interest in reading, he is more likely to imitate and try to read himself. In the beginning, it might just be a matter of flipping through the book in search of illustrations, but eventually the interest peaks and the child learns to love the very same books.
Another way of enhancing you child's love of book reading and in particular reading Islamic books is to read to them stories about the great Muslim scholars and rulers that have been a vital part of the Muslim world for centuries. These stories not only provide the basic knowledge about the spread of Islam but also teach children numerous values that are an integral part of being a good Muslim.
The best gift that a Muslim parent can give to their children and future generations is the gift of reading and accumulating knowledge from the highly riveting Islamic books written by various writers. Encouraging your child to read these books will make him interested in book reading and be a useful tool for him throughout his life.
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