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Hindi Deadliest Warrior ->->->-> http://urllio.com/r0uw0

Original Title: Deadliest Warrior

Genge: Action,Game-Show,History













































The great warriors of history are examined for fantasy combat simulations.
Throughout history, there have been great warriors who have made their mark in battle, but how they could have matched up against each other is a mystery. This series endeavors to solve that mystery with various matchups of such warrior classes. With a systematic examination of their physical and cultural qualities, training and weapons, a field of experts strive to find the real facts of such warriors. When the research is compete, each episode ends with a simulated battle to see who is truly the deadliest warrior.
Every show has it's flaws, it's the people that view the show that are too passionate about the forum. I don't blame them for their passion, it's human nature. I have enjoyed this show from the beginning, I too was forgoing on the venue of the show. I called it, Deadliest Weapon. In the first two season they tested the weapons only. They talked about the culture and a little of their history. But it wasn't a factor until the third season, which still has flaws. In this season they added in the "X-Factors", upped the battle simulation numbers. What they didn't factor in is one warrior is better with a certain weapon than with another or certain warriors are basically grunts or farmers with a weapon they have never held before. In the computer simulation all the warriors are skilled with all the weapons. And not all x-factors are included. I enjoy this show for its entertainment value not as bona fide fact and trail of historic warriors. Shows like this are for entertainment purposes and not to be taken seriously. If you want edu-tainment I suggest The Learning Channel or Discovery Channel and my favorite National Geographic Channel. Spike TV is Cartoon Network for Big Kids.
This is a pretty entertaining show but a lot of the time it is pretty corny and the results don't add up in slightest. They make silling jokes on it ridiculous match ups and completely unfair testing. Even with all that though it still makes a decent watch if you are a fan of weapons. They test a wide variety of weapons and test their effectivness.

The only good part in the show pretty much is the testing even with how unfair and inaccurate the tests are. and some of the outcomes make absolutely no sense whatsoever. And some of the matches just make no sense at all. They are completely unfair and yet sometimes is ridiculous a oh lets say makes a 17 year old girl beat a 35 year old warrior


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Seitenaufrufe: 6


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