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Hex Free Download

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About This Game

Clear all the tiles to win in this unique logic puzzle game!

Navigate each level by jumping either one or two spaces away in 5d3b920ae0

Title: Hex
Genre: Indie
Studio Goya
Studio Goya
Release Date: 6 Nov, 2017


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Clever little puzzle game. I haven't had a lot of time to play this game yet, but even the first world has some very interesting and unique puzzles. I can't imagine how things get when more complex mechanics are introduced. I really enjoyed the music, though I feel like the loop might be a little short for the amount of sitting and thinking you might be doing overall :) The bleeps and bloops of the hexes fits great with the abstract style of the game.. u2b50u2b50u2b50u2b50u2b50. This is a great game! Clean, pleasing graphics and puzzles that build in difficulty and complexity.. I bought this because I felt drawn to it for some inexplicable reason, and it blew my expectations out of the water. Super fun puzzler, essentially Cubicolor with 50 percent more sides and more creativity, would recommend.. Great puzzle game. Starts off pretty simple but gets challenging precisely when it should. There are some bonus levels that will take you VERY long to defeat, which is exactly what you would want from a puzzle game. The concept is clear, and every level is different. The way it incorporates different kinds of tiles is prorbaly the best part of the game! Definitely worrth the cost, I would pay more for the game.. Honestly, I don't think the concept itself is necessarily bad, but in this type of puzzle game, an undo button is NOT optional. Having to replay the entire puzzle because you made one error close to the end is not fun and makes the game way more frustrating than it needs to be. Especially with the bonus stages and how cluttered & messy they are to solve. Really the puzzle design in general doesn't feel very tight, accidentally stumbling upon a solution felt like the norm in these puzzles and it was rarely satisfying to clear a level. The presentation is fine enough (I muted the music pretty quickly though) but I really did not find this fun to play and couldn't even bring myself to finish the bonus levels by the end, just no fun at all.

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