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Heidentum Xforce

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About This Game

In Heidentum you play against up to 3 other players in online matches, strategy is the focus point of the game, the way the game flows makes sure you alway 5d3b920ae0

Title: Heidentum
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Release Date: 11 Apr, 2019


  • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 10
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM/p>


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If you want to see more reviews like this, follow me as a curator: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34792193/ Heiduntum is the first game created by a new developer, Kirchesch. The game has potential and can definitely grow. Being a strategy game, Heiduntum has an average concept. Heiduntum should have been put in Early Access as most of the game's mechanics are not faultless. If you do not mind the occasional spelling mistake, Heiduntum can be a fascinating game. The tutorial is mildly confusing for a new player, not only because of the spelling mistakes but also due to the outlandish controls. The game has little to no soundtrack, however, the graphics are suitable. The game has a different graphic for the mouse which is massive and takes up too much of the screen. There is online play and singleplayer, with global standings. You can play with up to three other players with completely randomized environments every time. The game features different types of units to attack your enemies with, the difference between them, I have not yet figured out. The game seems generic and quite honestly, boring. There is no incentive for me to continue playing. The paganism aspect is interesting, however, this is just another multiplayer tower defense game. Overall, Heidentum is an interesting game, the game is definitely not worth playing in its current state. The graphics are fanciable and are definitely fitting, however, they have nothing special about them. If this game was put in Early Access, beta or was free, I'd recommend playing, otherwise, don't bother.. If you want to see more reviews like this, follow me as a curator: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34792193/ Heiduntum is the first game created by a new developer, Kirchesch. The game has potential and can definitely grow. Being a strategy game, Heiduntum has an average concept. Heiduntum should have been put in Early Access as most of the game's mechanics are not faultless. If you do not mind the occasional spelling mistake, Heiduntum can be a fascinating game. The tutorial is mildly confusing for a new player, not only because of the spelling mistakes but also due to the outlandish controls. The game has little to no soundtrack, however, the graphics are suitable. The game has a different graphic for the mouse which is massive and takes up too much of the screen. There is online play and singleplayer, with global standings. You can play with up to three other players with completely randomized environments every time. The game features different types of units to attack your enemies with, the difference between them, I have not yet figured out. The game seems generic and quite honestly, boring. There is no incentive for me to continue playing. The paganism aspect is interesting, however, this is just another multiplayer tower defense game. Overall, Heidentum is an interesting game, the game is definitely not worth playing in its current state. The graphics are fanciable and are definitely fitting, however, they have nothing special about them. If this game was put in Early Access, beta or was free, I'd recommend playing, otherwise, don't bother.

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