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Day 7: 6:00 P.m.-7:00 P.m. Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

Day 7: 6:00 P.m.-7:00 P.m. Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4 ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Day 7: 6:00 P.m.-7:00 P.m.

Genge: Action,Crime,Drama,Thriller








































Intelligence suggests another attack is imminent, so Jack goes to the White House to interrogate a Senator's Chief of Staff.
As Allison meets with Mayer to discuss Jack's situation, Jack enters the White House to extract the location of Juma's impending attack from Burnett. Chloe erases Burnett's name from Dubaku's list to allow Jack enough time to torture him; however, Janis discovers the deletion, Chloe is arrested, and the Secret Service interrupt the interrogation. Jack is arrested, and Burnett refuses the President's offer of immunity in exchange for the information regarding Juma's target. Meanwhile, Dubaku is discreetly murdered at the hospital. Renee follows the killer to a warehouse on the Potomac, where Juma's strike force is preparing to take a boat to their target. Renee stows away on Juma's boat, damaging her cell phone in the process. She learns that Juma's plan is to invade the White House via a hidden sewer duct accessible from the Potomac. However, she is spotted by one of Juma's men and flees, searching for a way to alert the White House in time.

In summary,here the events that happened during that hour:

1.Jack Bauer holds Bill Buchanan at gunpoint and informs him of the next attack. He demands to know where Ryan Burnett is and starts torturing him to find what is the target.

2.President Allison Taylor pleads to Jack to stop torturing Burnett. When they break in the room, Taylor orders Jack's arrest and tells him he should've come to her first.

3.General Benjamin Juma reminds Udo that Laurent Dubaku shouldn't know that they had his father killed because of his cowardice. Juma then forbids Laurent of going with his team telling him he has to stay behind to cover them.

4.FBI Agent Renee Walker informs Larry Moss of Juma's preparation. Renee boards the boat and finds out the next target is the White House. As she is trying to escape, she is pursued by Laurent. Meanwhile, Juma and his men start drilling underwater to reach the White House.

This is definitely a refreshing element of 24 - the White House will be attacked by General Benjamin Duma,who now is the villain that Jack and Renee will be up against after Dubako has been murdered.Will they succeed or not?We'll find out in the next episode. I would have to agree with fatdogtavern, this episode is by far the worst i have ever seen, I'm sure the Whitehouse even at night is the most heavily fortified building in America if not the world, and to have 4 or 5 agents in the whole building when the President is in is daft, why has she not got a phone in the panic room, where is the CCTV, special forces and all that crap. This brought tears of laughter, the writing has become weak.

In the end I thank sky plus and that I had recorded this one and I could fast forward to the end which was more enjoyable Avoid this episode!!!!!

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