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Dark Deception Complete Addons

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Disclaimer - Dark Deception Complete pre-purchases all 4 paid Dark Deception chapters. You get access to Chapters 2,3,4, and 5 as they are released. By 5d3b920ae0

Title: Dark Deception Complete
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Glowstick Entertainment
Glowstick Entertainment
Dark Deception


  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4330/AMD FX-6300
  • Memory:


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Very hot thing, if you like hard horror games - this thing is perfect for you.. So far, its a dark twist on a bunch of well enjoyed games. Really like the dream/nightmare aesthetics (things don't make a ton of sense but in a good way). There are some weird collision moments but besides that, I'd say the game is pretty polished. 1st level- this level takes place in a hotel with murder monkeys being the enemies. The hallways feel claustrophobic but that's a good thing. The game sort of plays out as a first person game of Pacman. As you can't see everything, its really important to listen closely to what direction the monkeys are coming from. 2nd level- takes place in a school. cool look to the school. probably not quite as good as the monkey level. The enemy for this stage is Agatha (demonic school girl thing). The game plays like a really messed up version of hide and go seek. My experience was that you could just boost past her so she was a little less challenging than the monkeys. the second stage to this level makes the school a lot more creepy which is nice. the main demon, Malak, shows up at the end and kinda diverts attention from Agatha but, overall, it's pretty good 3rd level- takes place at a mansion and a hedge maze. the enemies are living statues. really cool location with tons of traps to watch out for. enemies play sort of like red light green light. their basically weeping angels. overall, really fun. I wish there was some big final boss but it was Malak again which was a bit disappointing. Would have been cool to be chased by a giant statue or something lol overall, really fun game. worth playing.. The 30% discount for the Dark Deception Complete (Windows 10 PC), was worth it! Amusingly, though for the Windows 10 PC, the character movement is still a little lagging and doesn't run as smoothly or as quick. Additionally for Level 1 Monkey Business (The Free Base Game), it was difficult because when I used the WASD keys to move, it seems a little too rigid and slow, the fluidity seems to be a bit subpar compared to YouTuber's who purchased and put a video up, the graphics are smooth and fluid,, and their character's speed was fast when using the WASD keys. I tried to fix this with the mouse sensitivity (that works, a little), however, the monkeys seems to catch up and I got a Game Over. I hope they have a software update soon to fix this problem.. this game is soooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! i cant wait for chapter 3 and dread ducky. Very hot thing, if you like hard horror games - this thing is perfect for you.

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