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8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I Cheat

8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I Cheat

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About This Game

8-bit Adventure Anthology is a compilation featuring faithful remakes of three of the best 8-bit point & click adventure games ever made. Originally released between 19 5d3b920ae0

Title: 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I
Genre: Adventure
General Arcade, Abstraction Games
Abstraction Games
Release Date: 31 Oct, 2017


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Excellent collection of true NES classics. Very lovingly brought over to the PC, these games were clearly in good hands. Can't wait to see what these guys bring over next.. What memories does this bring. A nice trilogy of games of the NES that i adored as a kid. Exactly as i remembered them. These are the best version of these games imo thanks in large part to a very good soundtrack and charm. A nice catch for the nostalgics like me. Also, being able to enjoy these with mouse control is a blessing. Dying has never been this easy now.. This is an awesome NES point and click adventure collection. Great production quality with the menus and the different graphic filters (I like the CRT option a lot). The games look and sound like the originals and have added mouse controls that make them a lot nicer to play.. A Halloween miracle!! The best part is that it is available for Linux ;). Me and my sister grow up with Shadowgate but we never got to play the others so this is fantastic that you are offering us the the chance to play them now so thank you creators and steam for the good scary memories to come back to haunt us again lol.

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