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Hay point port handbook to higher

This information booklet contains information relating to the Port of Hay Point, Recommendations regarding mooring and loading procedures are a guide only, and .. processes, tools and structures in place enabling the high performance.














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20 Mar 2019 PORT AUTHORITY ROLE AT MACKAY . .. Port pilotage operations and navigation are the responsibility of NQBP for the Ports of Hay Point and. Mackay. standard, with the Corporation striving for higher standards where 1 Apr 2016 AMSA – Australian Maritime Safety Authority . Ships with ballast water from ports that are considered a high risk for introduced marine species and that have not . the Half Tide Tug harbour south of Hay Point, and. 8 Jan 2019 Port procedures for the Port of Hay Point. There are 2 terminals at the port, Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal and Hay Point Services Coal Terminal. . zLocal call – higher rates may apply outside local area or from mobile phones. Quick guide - Navigation through the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, PORT AUTHORITY ROLE AT HAY POINT . .. standard, with the Corporation striving for higher standards where As the port authority, NQBP's key role is to:. The history of Hay Point Port, North Queensland, Australia. The Hay Point Port is a dedicated coal export port. Given that it covers an area of 6,526ha and in version. Port Procedures and Information for Shipping – Hay Point – January 2016. 1. Table of contents . AMSA – Australian Maritime Safety Authority . North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) is the Port Authority. Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal (DBCT) is leased to DBCT Management Pty Ltd (CDBTM) from the Port of Hay Point description Port Authority at four ports in Queensland,. Australia: – Hay Point. – Mackay Requires high environmental standards from any.

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