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Sunderer guide planetside 2 factions

It's the B key. However, before you can deploy a Sunderer you have to unlock the certification to do so. The one you need is the Sunderer Advanced Mobile Station (S-AMS), which costs 50 cert points.. Don't forget to also equip the upgrade on the vehicle customization screen after unlocking it.
















As in the first PlanetSide, PlanetSide 2 chronicles the efforts of three factions as they fight for territorial control of the planet Auraxis. In PlanetSide 2 battles can last for days or even weeks, and finally taking control of the base means it's yours until someone can take it back. Planetside 2 - Sunderer Guide Teil 1 mit Greenwolf & Der Kurze - Anfanger / Erklarungs Guide by Der Kurze. 20:49. Play next; Play now; Planetside 2 - Sunderer Guide Teil 2 mit Greenwolf & Der Kurze - Anfanger / Erklarungs Guide by Der Kurze. 21:22. but for guys on foot the bubble is way more visible and from further away, and since the bubble is like the length of 2 and a half sunderers in all directions, a light assault thats zipping around the base with unlimited freedom of movement will see it and then it immediately dies and there is no chance you can defend it from that. when a tank While I like the general idea of the Sunderer, there are a couple problems I see. 1. In small fights, taking out a Sundy with this shield is a pain. It can take 5 AT mines and live with 1/4 health. If 2 people bring a Sundy to ghost cap, you'll need more than equal forces to push them out. 2. There are three factions or empires in PlanetSide 2: Terran Republic, New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty. Each faction has its own ideology and view on the war. All can be read here, and there is some unofficial lore at Encyclopaedia Auraxia.Just don't take it too seriously, it's mostly for flavor. PlanetSide 2 is a re-imagining of PlanetSide, featuring the same world and factions, and taking place at roughly the same time period.As in the previous game, it features territory control in open-world,

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