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Unfinished Business Full Movie Torrent ->->->-> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Unfinished Business

Genge: Action,Adventure,Crime,Drama,Western
































Walker always seems to be just one step behind a vigilante, who gets the jump on the men Walker's supposed to arrest and takes the law into his own hands.
Here we are in another adventure in the life of a Texas Ranger only this time he must take down someone who thinks he is a ranger.

"Spoilers" Episode begins when Walker funnily takes down a group of criminals sitting by a campfire with the leader's name being Billy Joe MacArthur. The next day in court he is let out on a technicality but Walker gets an envelope with the text written in big letters saying "case closed" and boom, Billy's car explodes with him in it. The letter also had the sender's name; Bodine. Throughout the episode Bodine kills criminals in cold blood that Walker was supposed to bring in. He also plays mind games with Walker for example he hires a couple of punks to try and take out Walker just to see if he was as good as his reputation. Trivette soon finds out that he's been in front of their face the whole time because he was dating a woman who works in the ranger office by the name of Evie. Bodine soon kidnaps Evie and demands Walker come face him alone and he does, much to Alex and Trivette's objection. Walker goes to the warehouse where Bodine was waiting but Bodine wanted to prove he was better which was his big mistake and gave Walker the chance he needed to take him out for good. Episode ends with Evie finding a nice-looking man to dance with.

Great episode with a few favorite scenes which are as follows:

1: The beginning in which Walker takes down a group of criminals by a campfire but he appears friendly at first.

2: Walker and Alex at his ranch before he goes to meet Bodine they share a soft and sentimental moment in which Walker says "I wish I could express myself better and tell you how special you are and how much you mean to me".

3: Uncle Ray's line that fits the description of this episode which I quote "What is sometimes obvious is hidden in plain sight".

4: One of the punks Bodine hires manages to push Walker down from his chair and he mouths off saying "I hear Texas Rangers are supposed to be tough" to which Walker brilliantly replies "you heard right" and proceeds to kick their butts".

Loved this episode and the fight between Walker and Bodine. Another plus is this is the first time we see the character Mabel played by Lou Hancock who is C.D'S blind date in this episode and she drags C.D out of the bar and he hilariously screams "SOMEBODY HELP ME SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE".


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