Similitude Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)
Original Title: Similitude
Genge: Action,Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi
Trip is injured and fated to die. Desperate to save him, Phlox and Archer agree to use one of Phlox's alien pets to create a clone of Trip to farm for transplant organs. The clone, named Sim, matures to adulthood in mere days, retaining Trip's memories but developing his own personality.
Archer decides to make a fast-growing clone of Trip to help save his life while Enterprise is stranded in a dangerous field with nucleonic particles.
While trying to stabilize the warp engine for longer voyages in warp 5.0, Trip has an accident and enters in coma. Dr. Phlox convinces Captain Archer that the only way to save Trip is developing a symbiotic using a Lyssarian worm and then transplanting a brain nervous system. Archer authorizes the procedure but he has troubles with the fast-growing clone that has Trip memories and his own personality together. Meanwhile the Enterprise is trapped without propulsion in a dangerous particles field.
"Similitude" is a good episode where the ethical issue of using clone to replace parts is exposed. I immediately recalled "The Island", proving that the cloning process shall be discussed by the society and controlled through well-studied laws. Unfortunately the plot is disclosed in the very beginning, but the ambiguous feeling of Sim (or Trip?) for T'Pol is rewarded with her farewell kiss. My vote is nine.
Title (Brazil): "Semelhança" ("Resemblance")
In the first scene, we see the Enterprise crew attending a funeral for a fallen crew-member, and Archer is giving him a powerful eulogy. As the camera pans, the identity of that crew member is revealed, and it is a real shocker. To avoid a spoiler, I will say no more about the story.
Although the plot becomes somewhat predictable after a short while, what matters is not where it goes, but how it gets there. Once again, Levar Burton's directing talent takes a good script and makes it better. Bakula, Billingsly, Trinnear and Blalock all perform memorably in this ethical exploration and character study. One of Enterprise's best serious sci fi episodes.
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