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PixZomb Hack

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About This Game

https://store.steampowered.com/app/88237 5d3b920ae0

Title: PixZomb
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Firehawk Studios
Firehawk Studios
Release Date: 27 Jul, 2018


  • OS: Windows 7 , 8 , 8.1 , 10
  • Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 32-bit CPU
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM


pixzomb steam

Well what can I say. The shop doesn't do anything. I reached level 13 without getting hit, and all the zombies stopped spawning, but the health and ammo didn't. Slowly after, I began to realize that I was all alone in this small plain, with no one to help me get out. There is nothing beyond this land, no existence other than words painted in green, spelling out a name; "PixZomb". I've been months here now, living on a diet of medkits. I feel like the longer I wait, the more my sanity is going to start breaking. I even attempted to shoot myself, but the developer didn't make that as a feature. There is no way out. My health and ammo counters just keep going up, without any purpose, being completely useless, making me more mad with each pickup. I think I see it now. I will never escape this place. This is my sanctum, the place of my eternal torment. I am forever trapped on this land. I have no choice but to wait until I lose my mind, hopefully it will make living here more pleasant.. its ok it needs more guns and diferent types of zombies and more caricters to chose frome and thay have diferent abilitys like speed boost or infinint amo. Once you get past a few waves, the number of zombies becomes more than your possible ammo capacity.. I would like to congratulate James on this magnificent game;0. The sound is truely immersive, especially the hurt sound ;). The graphics a wonder to the eye, and to round everything up this masterpiece 0.39 ;).

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