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Penguin's Disastrous End Hd Full Movie Download

Penguin's Disastrous End Hd Full Movie Download ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Penguin's Disastrous End

Genge: Action,Adventure,Comedy,Crime,Family,Fantasy,Mystery,Sci-Fi































Batman and Robin get back on the Penguin and Marsha, Queen of Diamonds', trail. Several escaped lizards lead them to the villains' hideout, where they find the stolen chain mail suits. Remembering an earlier clue from the Penguin, they head to the federal subtreasury to find that the Penguin, Marsha, and their cronies have broken into a vault containing ten million dollars in gold bullion. The Dynamic Duo shut the vault door on the criminals and try to prepare for every breakout scenario, but the Penguin has a daring plan of escape that no one could have counted on.
The Penguin attempts his scheme's masterstroke, complete with an audacious means of escape no one will see coming.
"Penguin's Disastrous End" begins with the Dynamic Duo escaping their scrap metal coffin with an acetylene torch buttressed by Bat Air Pumps, while Penguin plots to invade Gotham City's federal subtreasury building, which houses $10 million worth of gold bullion, too heavy to be moved by any attempted theft, the bored guards understandably distracted by Marsha's dance of the seven veils, then captivated by another batch of love potion whipped up by Aunt Hilda (Estelle Winwood). Once inside, Penguin uses the WW2 plans stolen from the Hexagon to build an impregnable solid gold tank: "never count your Penguins before they're latched!" Alas, squashing Chief O'Hara's squad car is about all Penguin and Marsha accomplish inside their rolling hideaway, once Robin utilizes the Batzooka. This was Burgess Meredith's final appearance this season, but The Penguin would enjoy the honor of opening the final Batgirl season. As for Carolyn Jones, this three parter marked her only return after her initial two part debut, but at least she was allowed to unveil six of her seven veils!


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