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Italian Movie Download Donkey Kong Country ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Donkey Kong Country

Genge: Animation,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family,Musical









































Donkey Kong and his sidekick, Diddy Kong, star in a new computer-generated rendition of the classic video game. Donkey Kong isn't too smart, but he is the strongest monkey on the island of Congo Bongo, thanks largely to his diet of bananas. He's charged with protecting the Orb Of Power, the Crystal Coconut, from King K. Rool's constant attempts to steal it in his quest to rule the island - though he often seems more interested in luscious Candy Kong, who works in the barrel factory.
This Is a stupid, messy show that fails from the first episode to the last episode. Yet the sheer depth of it's failure comes out on the other side as an odd kind of success. We have donkey Kong, a hero, banana cream pie connoisseur, banana chomper, lover and idol of king Kong, collector of the planet of the apes treading cards, and future king of Kongo bongo island. He's incredibly stupid, and I mean the depth of his stupidity really truly is incredible. He thinks a pirate talking to him through a broken mirror is his reflection,making him think he is a pirate, and one time, he had his brain put into a robot, and it took a whole song for diddly to convince him to look at his hands and figure out he is metal. Donkey Kong has a teacher and possible (grand?)father, called cranky Kong,who is a bitter old git and is also one of the only smart people on the show.(I feel your pain, cranky.) In fact, cranky is a genius. Probably a better hero than donkey Kong. Donkey Kong has a girlfriend called candy, who looks different to her video game design and is also an aggressive, and sometimes manipulative bitch to donkey Kong, though she has a few tender moments and compliments him, sometimes she cancels dates on a whim over petty reasons that aren't even donkey Kong's fault.(donkey Kong, you can do better.) Diddy, an annoying though supportive right hand monkey of DK, is now stripped of his powers that he had in the games, and Is helpless like a little kid. Candy Kong works for a lovable ass hole, called bluster. Bluster runs his moms barrel factory, which candy plans to buy. Bluster tries to poach candy from donkey Kong. Dixie is a sweet, lovable little monkey who loves diddly Kong, and her pet lobster. Oppressing our heroes is king k.rool, an aptly named tyrant who is actually Honourable, dopey and a dirty coward deep down, but he can be vicious and deadly at times. He has general clump, the classic sycophantic soldier who takes k.rool's abuse into his stride. And krusha, a mentally challenged and child-like bodyguard with the hidden potential to be a heartless, diabolical genius. This show is goofy, dumb and proud of it. The stories are cliché but they acknowledge and make fun of these clichés. This isn't a serious or slick show, the animation is strange and surreal by today's standards, but so is the animation in the games. It simply reflects 1990s and early 2000s TV budget animation. I'm sure at the time it was amazing. The best merit are the songs. The devious bastard, Kaptain scurvy and his lackeys, the Italian-accented cutlass crock and the weird green crock sing awesome shanties about how awesome it is to be a pirate. Donkey Kong himself has an amazing voice. Metal head has diddly screech his lines, and it rips off daft punk's around the world, but donkey Kong's voice makes it worth listening to. I'm nobody's hero actually manages to be genuinely sad. Poor old donkey Kong. Most of the songs are epic, this show is very fun and charming, it isn't challenging, or epic, but its cute. The characters are interesting, the animation allows for some comical expressions, and of course, the intro, and all the music in fact, is kick ass. Hay-ho, look out down below. Here comes banana slammer!
This animated series from 1997 is everything I ever wanted, and can definitely be enjoyed by both hard-core fans of the Donkey Kong franchise, and the people lookng for a fun animated series.

The characters are in my opinion part of what makes this show so great. The diverse mix of both male and female characters and their different personalities and attributes makes every episode dynamic. We have the main character Donkey Kong (DK), who in my opinion is the best (and hottest) character with his charismatic personality, cool abilities, catchphrase (Banana Slamma) and internal confilcts about how he wants to spend his life. This inner conflict is made clear in the episode "Double Date Trouble" where Donkey Kong has to choose between his social life with his all-time best friend Diddy Kong, his romantic relationship with Candy Kong, and his life as the protector of Kongo Bongo. Diddy Kong is a solid side character with a lot of personality that in the beginning mostly is used as a tool to make DK share his thoughts and emotions with the audience in their private conversations. Candy Kong is a really hot female side character that acts as DK's romantic interest in the series. She adds a layer to every episode as DK now has to maintain his relationship with her on top of protecting Kongo Bongo from danger. Cranky Kong is in my opinion the second best character. He's lovable, yet serious when he has to protect Kongo Bongo, and he has a lot of knowledge that helps the main characters. The crystal coconut, which is under his protection is used by him to move the plot forward in a good way. The coconut also has a set of diverse magical powers that fit perfectly into this series as it creates unique situations that are enjoyable to watch. Other characters include the coolest character, Funky Kong, the narcissistic Bluster Kong, the main cast's friend Dixie Kong, and the main villain: Kinky Rule, a crocodile who wants to steal the crystal coconut to make him the king of Kongo Bongo. I am also happy the creators chose to cast both Apes and Crocodiles, as it gives the show more diversity.

Regarding the animation of the series, I just think it's amazing. The character models are details and the movement is fluid. I also respect the desicion to make the series in 3D. Small details also make the series stand out, like the expansion of pupils to express certain emotions. The animation doesn't ruin the energy of the most exciting scenes, such as the fight scenes, and everything feels very real. The voice acting is also spot-on.

The episodes aren't very formulated, which is very good as it gives the series variation. Some episodes focus on the struggle to protect the crystal coconut, while other episodes are about the personal struggles of Donkey Kong and the people around him. One thing that is consistent in nearly every episode, however, is the appearence of music numbers sung by different characters of the series. The singing voice of Donkey Kong specifically is stellar, and the melody, lyrics and dance moves are brilliant as well. The most important song of the series, the theme song, is also great, if not the best of the songs. It is energetic, catchy, and shows what the average viewer should expect from the series, perfection. Not only that, but the climaxes, specifically the fighting scenes are great and energetic, and are often in some way unique, which makes every fight worth watching.

"Donkey Kong Country: The animated series" is an amazing animated series and will fulfill the expectations of any viewer. The animation, voice acting, and storytelling is stellar, and the dynamic character interactions between the likable and deep characters makes the series worth a watch. The series gives you everything: Romance, Humour, Action and Music through a set of varying storylines. I really can't find anything negative to say about this series, and will give it a solid 10 out of 10 rating. By far the best Nintendo animated series.

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Seitenaufrufe: 31


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