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Italian Movie Download 007 - Il Mondo Non Basta

Italian Movie Download 007 - Il Mondo Non Basta ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: The World Is Not Enough

Genge: Action,Adventure,Thriller














































James Bond uncovers a nuclear plot when he protects an oil heiress from her former kidnapper, an international terrorist who can't feel pain.
After British oil tycoon Sir Robert King is killed in a bombing at the MI6 headquarters, his daughter, Elektra, inherits his fortune which includes billions of dollars worth of oil deposits in the Caspian Sea...and James Bond as a bodyguard. Her new wealth attracts international interest. But she has also attracted the attention of her father's killer. His name is Renard. A bullet lodged in his brain has rendered him unable to feel physical pain, and he has but only one reason left to live - revenge. There's only one man who can take the heat between a beautiful heiress, a malicious sociopath and his final diabolical plan. For the world's most famous secret agent, when the stakes are high and the danger hits too close to home, it is not just professional; its personal!
You don't review James Bond movies, you evaluate them, rate them according to how well they meet expectations. There are certain things one has come to expect, even demand of a Bond film and each individual effort either delivers or it doesn't. So, here are ten elements that make a Bond film a Bond film and how THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH rates on a scale of 1 to 10:

Title: THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH: Though it is the Bond family motto, (Orbis non sufficit), it sounds more like the title of a Harlequin romance novel. By no means world class, but still good enough. 6 points.

Pre-Credit Teaser: Two teasers for the price of one: James confronts and escapes from some bad guys in Spain, but on his return to MI6 headquarters in London he almost immediately gets involved in a boat chase down the Thames. The boat chase is very well done, but more importantly it is one of the few instances where 007 brings his unique style of mayhem to his home shores. Good show, Old boy! 9 points.

Opening Credits: Icky is the best way to describe Daniel Kleinman's contribution here. His artistry is evident, but his choice of images is suspect. Past Bond openings have used motifs of gold and diamonds, but Kleinman's theme is oil, a valuable, though not particularly precious commodity. His images of naked women wallowing in or being drenched by gooey black crude is about as sexually exciting as mud wrestling. As well done as it is, it nonetheless leaves you wanting to take a nice long shower -- and not in a sensual way either. 4 points.

Theme Song: If you're going to name your group Garbage, you had darn well better be very good. I can't comment on their other music, but the Bond theme they provide here is less than rousing. Indeed, if Sheryl Crowe's "Tomorrow Never Dies" was sleep inducing, this song is likely to put one in a coma. The words and music don't seem that bad; it is Shirley Manson's drowsy performance that proves to be Garbage. 3 point.

"Bond, James Bond": Once again Bond is in a vengeful mood and that means that Pierce Brosnan is doing his Gloomy Gus shtick. There is nothing sadder than a man who can't seem to enjoy his work -- Bond or Brosnan. 4 points.

Bond Babes: A poll named Denise Richards' Dr. Christmas Jones as the worst Bond Girl of all time. That's hardly fair considering her competition would be Rosie Carver from LIVE AND LET DIE and Mary Goodnight from THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (not to mention Madonna's cameo in the next Bond adventure). She's not that bad, though it is hard to believe she can spell "nuclear physicist," let alone be one. But she is totally overshadowed by Sophie Marceau as poor little rich girl Elektra King. Having been kidnapped by terrorists, who then apparently kill her father, she is the damsel in distress Bond comes to protect. But he little realizes that she is more than even he bargained for. Worth 8 points, because it leads to ....

Bond Villain: The Bond films have never been great for unexpected plot twists, so having the audacity to make the Bond Girl not just a villain, but the criminal mastermind is a real kick. We assume that Elektra is under the spell of the terrorist Renard, but it ultimately proves otherwise. Elektra seems to have two fatal flaws however, she overestimates her feminine allure and underestimates James' willingness to use his licence to kill. 9 points.

Bond Baddies: As the film's nominal villain, Robert Carlyle's Renard is rather banal, but as a mere henchman he is a bit more colorful. His quirk is a bullet lodged in his brain which inexplicably makes him immune to feeling pain -- which should be a detriment, not an asset. Somewhat more entertaining and comical is Robbie Coltrane's Valentin Zukovsky, returning from GOLDENEYE. The duplicitous ex-Soviet agent keeps us guessing throughout whether he is friend or foe. 7 points.

Sinister Plot: Recycling the plot of GOLDFINGER, the dastardly villains hope to increase the value of their oil by using a nuclear explosion to contaminate their competitors' pipeline route -- killing a few million innocent people along the way. It is not as original as the filmmakers pretend, but a proved premise nonetheless. 7 points.

Production values: Slick and colorful, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH is certainly an admirable addition to the series. It's only major disappointment is Brosnan's faltering enthusiasm for the role. 7 points.

Bonus Points: It's a fond farewell to Desmond Llewelyn's "Q." He makes an elegant departure, and his subsequent death brings to an end the continuity that marked the first 19 films in the series. But, happily, he introduced a replacement in the form of John Cleese as "R;" his Pythonian sense of humor is certainly welcome -- and desperately needed. 5 points for the passing of the torch.

Summary: It is an interesting evolution for the Bond Girl: from hapless victim to cunning sex object to skilled professional to nefarious foe. For all of his lustful talents as a womanizer, Bond in his various incarnations has always had an uneasy relationship with women, an odd mixture of distrust, contempt and desire. Bond women -- feminist objections aside -- have usually been something more than mere sex objects and, considering the chosen profession, Bond's attitude toward them is understandable. Other than the desire, he views men the same way, with distrust and contempt. In a way, he has viewed women more honestly than feminists: as something to be enjoyed, but not underestimated. Elektra King was a long time coming -- no pun intended.

Bond-o-meter Rating: 69 points out of 100. To cut it short: one of the best Bond movies of all time and definitively much better than the last two. At last, Brosnan is convincing, however Marceau & Carlyle steal the show with their superb performances. (Bye the way: Thank God Judi Dench took the role of M four years ago! Simply fantastic...) Good story, good characters (especially Marceau's complex Elektra King). Fantastic action scenes (especially pre-title sequence!), although most of them are not really new... Worst thing: Denise Richards as a wanna-be Lara Croft AND a physician (How old is she????) - just bad casting!
If moviegoers really thought about the violence, sexism, and materialism at the core of the series, the whole shebang might vanish overnight.
When British oil tycoon Sir Robert King (David Calder) is murdered with a fertilizer bomb, M (Judi Dench) sends 007 agent James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) to Baku, Russia to protect King's daughter/heiress Elektra (Sophie Marceau), who is attempting to build an 800 mile pipeline through Turkey and whom M believes might be the next target of international terrorist Victor "Renard" Zokas (Robert Carlyle), who kidnapped Elektra five years ago. Helped by nuclear research scientist Dr Christmas Jones (Denise Richards) and by ex-KGB agent Valentin Zukovsky (Robbie Coltrane), they discover that there is more threat to the situation than just some pipeline sabotage. The movie is based on a story and script co-written by screenwriters Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and Bruce Feirstein. The title is taken from "Orbis non sufficit ", the English translation of the Latin phrase seen on the Bond family's coat-of-arms in the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) (1969). The screenplay was subsequently novelized by American author Raymond Benson. The World is Not Enough is the 19th Bond film in the EON series, and the third to star Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. The World is Not Enough is performed by the Madison, Wisconsin-based rock group Garbage. In the precredits scenario, Bond is in a Swiss bank in Bilbao, Spain where he is attempting to recover money stolen from Sir Robert King. Even moreso, he is looking for the name of the assassin who killed the MI6 agent who discovered that Sir Robert was buying stolen reports, the latest one from the Russian Atomic Energy Department purportedly identifying the terrorists who attacked a new oil pipeline that King is building. After making a daring escape but without the name of the assassin, Bond returns the money to MI6 headquarters in London only to see King, the money, and the MI6 bankvault blown up. After attending King's funeral in Scotland, Bond is sent to Baku, Azerbaijan to shadow Elektra and to locate Renard.. When he finds the dead body of Russian scientist Mikail Arkon in the car trunk of Elektra's chief of security, Bond kills the security chief and takes Arkon's place on a flight to a Russian ICBM base in Kazakhstan. There, he meets Christmas Jones, and the two of them barely escape with their lives when Renard succeeds in stealing a bomb and blowing up the entire ICBM base. Bond and Christmas return to Azerbaijan, but Bond now suspects that Elektra may be working with Renard. When Elektra and Renard rendez-vous in Istanbul, Turkey, Bond and Christmas follow them there in order to stop them from using the bomb to blow up Istanbul. A fertilizer bomb is an explosive made out of common fertilizer. In this case, the money was dipped in urea, a source of nitrogen in fertilizers. In one of the notes, the anti-counterfeiting strip was replaced with magnesium which acted as a detonator. King's lapel pin was switched for a copy which contained a radio transmitter to trigger the blast. Bond was alerted to the fertilizer bomb when he picked up some ice cubes for his drink after touching the money. The water on his hands started a chemical reaction with the urea, which Bond recognized as telltale of a fertilizer bomb. M is convinced that only someone close to King could have switched his lapel pin for the rigged copy. Note that an attempt to make a bomb as this movie describes could produce a fire with toxic fumes, but not an explosion—any fertilizer bomb involving urea has it mixed with other substances which are never mentioned in the film. Azerbaijan is located in the western shore of the Caspian Sea in the Caucasus region on the border between Europe and Asia. Kazakhstan, on the northeastern shore of the Caspian is in Asia. A map of the Caspian Sea and surrounding countries can be viewed here. Stockholm Syndrome is the name given to a psychological response where a captive victim comes to love his or her captor(s). The term was coined in the 1970s when four employees of a bank in Stockholm, Sweden, were held hostage for six days by two ex-convicts. Upon their release, the hostages showed abnormal emotional attachment to their captors, even to the point of refusing to testify against them in court. Two of the female hostages, in fact, became engaged to their captors. The behavior is considered a common survival strategy for victims of abuse. It has been observed in battered spouses, abused children, prisoners of war, and concentration camp survivors. Bond suspects that Elektra may have acquired the syndrome during the time she was held captive by Renard. To avoid her getting "the bends" as she rose to the surface, potentially fatal gas bubbles forming in the blood when going from a high pressure environment to a low one. By breathing out as she rises she would avoid that. They wished to create a nuclear meltdown (but not an explosion which would only create radioactive fallout for a reasonably short time) that would contaminate the area around the Istanbul straits for years, meaning that it could no longer be used by oil tankers. This would mean that any customers for oil from the region would be forced to use Elektra's pipeline instead making her incredible profits. Renard begins to submerge the submarine carrying the nuclear warhead, so Bond leaps in the water after it and climbs on board. He first frees Christmas. Then, while holding off Renard's men, he attempts to make the submarine surface so that it will be detected on navy radar but instead makes it dive deeper, causing the sub to hit bottom. As the submarine begins to flood with water, Bond and Christmas work their way toward the hatch, until Christmas notices that Renard has locked himself in the reactor room and is attempting to load the plutonium rod, which will set off an explosion that will destroy Istanbul. To get to the reactor room, Bond exits through one escape hatch and then re-enters the sub through the escape hatch in the reactor room. Once inside, he opens the door for Christmas to gain entrance to the reactor room and, together, they try to stop Renard from inserting the plutonium rod. Just as it looks like Renard is going to win, Bond reconnects a blown pressure hose, causing the reactor to backfire and eject the plutonium rod, which impales Renard through the chest. The reactor floods with water, and Bond and Christmas escape by ejecting themselves out through a torpedo tube. As they swim to the surface, the submarine safely blows up underwater. Back at MI6 headquarters in Scotland, M (who has returned safely from Azerbaijan) asks if there's been any word from Bond, who is still in Istanbul sharing champagne with Christmas. R (John Cleese), Q (Desmond Llewelyn)'s understudy, manages to pick up Bond with his thermal imaging card. When the MI6 staff realizes what Bond and Christmas are really doing, R discretely flicks off the image. Including The World is Not Enough, Brosnan made four movies in which he played James Bond: GoldenEye (1995) (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) (1997), The World is Not Enough (1999), and Die Another Day (2002) (2002).



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