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Elementary, Dear Data Movie Download Hd ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Elementary, Dear Data

Genge: Action,Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi









































An attempt to provide Data with a challenging Sherlock Holmes holodeck RPG scenario backfires when its Prof. Moriarty character accidentally becomes self-aware.
During an adventure on the holodeck, in which Data is portraying Sherlock Holmes, Geordi asks the computer to create a Moriarty adversary capable of defeating Data. Since the request specifies that Moriarty should be greater than *Data* himself (and not the Holmes character), the resulting character proves himself capable of far exceeding their expectations...
This was a really good episode. Everything about it was fun and exciting. I think Qanqor's review of this episode implies that he missed the point of what it was supposed to be. There needed to be an episode that wasn't so dark. They had just lost Yar.

Also no. The computer was locked out by Moriarity himself. When the system created him, it created him to be smart enough to defeat Data. The computer gace Moriarity the knowledge of the entire ship. Along with any knowledge that was present in the system itself. He overrode the system.(You honestly would have known that if you got halfway through. And at the end, he is the one that cancels the override)

And no. They could not have destroyed the Holodeck, they had explained that doing so would destroy Palaski.

Despite all those things. Even if they could just destroy the holodeck. The whole purpose of the episode was to solve a mystery. It was to challenge one's mind. Not use brute force to accomplish something. Because Data has read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories, every detail memorized, even able to play the superior sleuth's violin flawlessly, Geordi is frustrated because he wanted to help him solve a holographic mystery (Geordi would be portraying Dr. Watson to Data's Holmes) together. Dr. Pulaski feels that because he's a walking machine, his circuits would short if asked to deduce and risk failure against a capable opponent (a human quality he doesn't have). Geordi and Data decide to try to create a mystery with an opponent capable enough to offer a challenge, but instead of asking the computer to give them a villain able to defeat Holmes, he asks to provide one that can defeat Data. So the computer provides master criminal Moriarty with a consciousness and he can actually call for the holographic arch, eventually learning of how to control the Enterprise, overriding protocols that would end the program and kill him upon command, building a device with a lever that can shake the ship. Picard will have to have a talk with him. I love episodes where we see the hologram involved in stories because they seem to often involve complex challenges Picard and his officers must solve. This is a marvelous episode for actor Daniel Davis, as Moriarty, exuding a mixture of child-like wonder and determined focus on maintaining his existence. It is neat because we see a fictional, created character aware of the very system and people who led to his creation. He wants to live, knows he has an intelligence beyond the basics of his holographic design, and is willing to threaten the Enterprise in order to *not die*, to not *cease to exist*. I really like how Picard handles Moriarty's fate and this episode, "Elementary, Dear Data", one of the series most memorable episodes, and a standout from the second season, leaves open the opportunity for the character to return (and does in "Ship in the Bottle"). Good way for Pulaski to get involved, she once again "insults" Data, believing he's a machine, not able to truly rise beyond how he was programmed. The original Victory, a well-constructed oceanic model ship, built by Geordi as a gift to a former captain, makes a welcome appearance, recalling *simpler times* when man had to use the environment and their own intuition to guide through the seas, preparing for whatever challenges might await them, only counting on each other to get to the desired destination. There are plot "deficiencies* in regards to the ability of energy turned matter to leave the holodeck, but it wasn't that big a deal to me as it might be for nitpicky folks who demand perfection in regards to science. Holmes, the character, and London, are featured favorably here and if you love the stories, the show lovingly establishes their importance in history.

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