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Breathing Fear Crack Only

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About This Game

The project is a nonlinear survival/adventure game.

This story is about a man brought by his fate to an abandoned house in the woods. This place mysteriously makes him be afraid of his own shadow, and that’s driving him crazy. Will he be able to stay sane and solve all the mysteries of the cursed house?

- Dismal and disturbing atmosphere.
- Screamers are not scary. Something you are going to feel in this house is scary.
- The winner of Games Jam: Gamm. 7aa9394dea

Title: Breathing Fear
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 7 Oct, 2016


this game is very cheap, and with those price, you get a fun scary game, you can use it to spend your time at the night, but dont expect to much. What's this boring crap? That lazy jumpscare was pretty♥♥♥♥♥♥. Breathing Fear is an interesting game to write about. On one hand, its got some decent pixel art, a haunting atmosphere and it even manages some genuinely competent horror, somthing that so many other games fail to achieve. Its not without its flaws, wnadering back and forth can be tedious, an emphasis on multiple playthroughs ruins many attempts to scare the player and the interactive elements are very shallow.

A more in depth analysis can be found here:
https://unproductivesod.com/2016/10/30/review-breathing-fear. I like this game,I really do.
The idea of it,the pixelated artstyle but....
Why I die so easily???Dude has a heart attack SO EASILY!
And worst of it is....that I have to start the WHOLE thing again from the beginning...
There's no save points....which sucks..... Insert professor meme *

Why can't you be like other protangonists in horror games, just take whatever that will look useful ?
Like a rope? A fuel can ?

replay value 2/5 , overall 3/5 .
. Very interesting game; definitely worth it but only if you're a fan of suspenseful/thriller games AND puzzle games - Basically the entire thing plays like a "I just found this one item - Where do I stick it?" puzzle that never ends. That's not a strike against it, however, as the subtle things that happen all around you, or in the background, will keep you on edge the entire time!

Check out my video here for some first-glance opinions of the game, as well as some tips if you get stuck in the puzzles (Like the safe or the password ones specifically!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDnkMtmfzOk. Nice idea. But it's timed since you always need light and then you still die quikly enough. Then you have to memorize every step in the right order and even read notes to inform your character about stuff he could easily find out by himself. To much pressure and brainwork for me.... Bang for your buck, gets your brain going. Bit of trial and error but overall enjoyable!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSSCB1DJe1Y. I really enjoyed this game. There were times that I had no choice but to die because I didn't know what to do, so there was some trial and error in the playthrough. I didn't expect the game to scare me that much but there were some times that it was unnerving, having to see your health decrease (or rather, your heart rate increase) suddenly, or the battery life of my flashlight tick down to zero and scrambling to find an extra battery in the process.
Very interesting storyline as well. I played it multiple times just for the achievements and the different endings (which was a big reason for its replayability). 4/5 I highly recommend it.

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