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Area 51 Movie Download Hd ->->->-> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Area 51

Genge: Action,Horror,Mystery,Sci-Fi
















































In a routine mission, Soldier Ethan Cole must survive a degenerative contamination and find out what is behind everything that are happening, which includes events and cases about UFO's and non-terrestrial life covered by the government.
Area 51 takes an intriguing subject and mutates it more than the pathogen that mutates the protagonist's body.

Area 51, for some reason, struck me as a brilliant game when I first heard about it. I can't remember if I saw some positive reviews or if the trailers simply appealed to me, but oh how very wrong I was. The story is explained more in the manual than it is in-game, and this is the first of many, many crucial downfalls.

You play the role of Ethan Cole, poorly voiced by David Duchovny, whose talent in portraying Ethan's voice seems to wither as the player moves on in the game. I get the feeling that Duchovny didn't bother reading the script until he had to read the lines, thus slowly realising how utterly poor said story was. Cole is sent in as part of a specialist team of Military Hazardous Materials field agents when Area 51 is stricken by a deadly infection. As you play the game, you unravel the story of what has happened even though the game's intro cutscene tells you anyway.

As I said, the story is the first of many downfalls. While it starts off fairly promisingly, it later becomes stagnant and begins to regurgitate the themes of almost every other FPS ever made in the history of civilisations. Alien ones too. Midway have introduced far too many conspiracy and paranormal elements to the story's background, creating a "too much of a good thing" (the TMOAGT I reference in disadvantages) effect which seriously detracts from the player's enjoyment of the game.

As far as gameplay goes, it's sub-average. Before your team is killed off (and then the utterly pointless deaths of the second team you hook up with) the so-called team-based aspect of the game is laughable. Your AI-controlled teammates are invulnerable to damage, and in theory you could leave them to their own devices killing everything in a given area, then go and reap the rewards. Assuming you don't do the above, then all you are met with is seemingly endless hordes of spawned monsters which, amusingly, stop when there is a bit of dialogue or a mission objective is met (such as defending, against the clock, a teammate who is trying to open a door. The timer reaches 0, and the monsters stop spawning). Gameplay is almost linear, but there were a few times at which I could take one of two doors out of a section; one leading onwards, and one leading to just one or two other rooms in which I can have fun. Aside from this, it's just moving forward and shooting everything that gets in your way. Ammo and health pickups are constant, providing NO challenge whatsoever. The health pickup is also funny, since it is described as a liquid which promotes coagulation of the blood and acts as a 'filler' for lost blood. But in any given level there are so many of these things that it's a wonder your veins aren't running yellow-green.

The weapons in the game are your bogstandard shooters; - Pistol (start the game with this) - Submachine Pistol (first pickup, in the first level) - Grenade: Frag (comes shortly after the SMP) - Grenade: Alien (this little cutie is actually quite powerful, but in low supply) - Shotgun (Comes a little later) - Sniper Rifle (Coming around halfway through the game, there is barely much point to this) - Alien rifle (3-shot burst, can bounce off walls) - Meson Cannon (The usual "big gun", this comes only within the last few levels, and ammo is relatively sparse)

The game offers the worst dual-wielding logic I have ever seen in a game; the SMP and shotgun are both dual-wield, which is pathetically unrealistic. Of all the weapons, I found myself using the SMP in nine out of ten engagements. The other weapons are irrelevant.

[[ Spoiler in this paragraph: Last line. ]] Area 51's graphics are one of its saving graces. Although ported straight from the console version of the game, they receive a little bit of tweaking to take advantage of the PC's superiority over consoles. You'll find the same old textures being used over and over, but this is reasonably plausible since the game takes place in just one place (two if you count the alien base in the later levels).

The sound is adequate for a game like this. Ambient sounds are the game's strong point, although it has an annoying tendency to play sounds of events that are taking place nowhere near the player. The music is... Well, I turned it off since I preferred my own. As I already said, the voice acting is weak. Duchovny is by far the worst voice actor in Area 51; Powers Booth speaks too little for me to judge, though I noticed no overt problems. Marilyn Manson, although I hate the guy, does fairly well as Edgar and I begrudgingly admit that I have no problems with his talents within the game.

In conclusion, Area 51 is a game that could have been so much more if only it had done so much -less-. By all means rent it, or borrow from a friend, but don't feel you're missing out on anything if you don't buy it. Ah, aliens: the prototypical video game bad guys. Along with Nazis, zombies and goblins, more extra-terrestrials have appeared as enemies in games than sewer levels and annoying sidekicks, and games like today's subject use this cliché to their advantage to serve up some enjoyably cheesy FPS blasting. Pull on your HEV suit and dive in with me. And don't touch anything sticky and glowing.

The famous base with untold mysteries is portrayed as what every conspiracy nutter claims it to be in real life: chock-full of intergalactic guinea pigs, reverse-engineered technology and enough mad scientists to host a convention of the gits with. The least stable of the lab jockeys decides to unleash the various captive nasties one day and as a result the entire complex is overrun, as folk either get eviscerated or turned into mutants by a super-contagion. Intrigued by all the screaming, some HAZMAT blokes are sent in and soon wish they hadn't been. You're the sod who has to go in and get 'em out. This wonderfully two-dimensional plot setup is what I'd want and expect from a common or garden shooter, and Area 51 gets it just right. A convoluted plot can be more of a detriment than a positive addition in games like these, and keeping the focus on exaggerated action is the best option. After all, TimeSplitters has basically no story, and look how that turned out. My only problem with the plot for Area 51 is that it's hard to take seriously, since historical documents prove that the crew from Futurama were the cause of Roswell's famous enigmas, so this junk about human-alien pacts and the like seems far-fetched. Bender was the UFO, obviously. Basic stuff.

The weapons themselves are mostly disappointing, consisting of your bog-standard shotgun, rifle and pistol, but though predictable they're also sufficiently boomy. Much like Republic Commando, just because the equipment selection is forgettable doesn't mean it's not entertaining. Plus you do eventually get an alien gun that fires bouncy, sticky explosives, and another that just destroys a whole room, so at least it's not completely boring. It's definitely no Ratchet and Clank, though. One saving grace is that the rifle and shotgun can be dual-wielded, and the extra firepower is much appreciated in small corridors. In short, there are a good few brown trouser moments.

I mentioned the mindless "leapers" before, but you also get mutants with guns, headcrab impersonators, the occasional hulking titan, some shadowy military types and eventually a few Greys. Of these opponents, the only truly memorable ones in my mind were the Greys, which is ironic considering they're the only creature designed to mimic a popular established image. For whatever reason, they stuck with me and little else did. Perhaps the main Grey's voice actor had something to do with it, having given such a chilling performance. Who might it be, you ask? Only that lord of all weirdness, Marilyn Manson. I smeg you not. Both the alien and his actor are a bit wrong in the head, so you can't fault the casting choice. The extra features show Marilyn identifying with his character (known as Edgar), and saying that they "share a general contempt for mankind".

Perhaps most easily remembered about Area 51 is its lovely sense of humour. It's nothing of Armed and Dangerous levels, but worthy of the odd snigger. Most of the comedy comes from documents that can be scanned to reveal either backstory or description of some ludicrous government project. Bigfoot, cropcircles, cow mutilation and more are explained. It seems that every urban legend from the 40s onwards was related to the secret base, and the most amusing thing I discovered revealed the true nature to a certain famous mission in 1969. Just watch and try not to chuckle. Destroy All Humans! is more funny overall, since the B-movie styling and alien perspective are hard to beat, not to mention the fact that Invader Zim plays a starring role. Even so, Area 51 has regular bursts of comedy and sometimes a flash of brilliance.

It's immeasurably awesome that the troubled grunt you play as should be voiced by Mulder from The X-Files. He sounds exactly the same, with that monotone mumbling which just embodies him as an actor. He works not only in terms of performance, but also because, you know, Area 51? X-Files? It's just too perfect, and quite the privilege to have The Man himself lending his voice to you. Just keep the tank topped up and be gentle with her.

A great inclusion is the level select, which goes a step further by letting you continue from any checkpoint. Many, many games before and since should have incorporated the same idea but didn't. It allows for replayability, as you can avoid the less good bits and focus on reliving the best sections, mainly the middle third.

The music is some very stylish synthesised goodness that's most similar to the Return to Planet X theme from TimeSplitters 2. It's appropriate in terms of frantic mood and alien-ness, and you've gotta love it.

Cover-ups, conspiracies, traitors, Illuminati, genetic manipulation...it's all here and all brilliant silliness. Combine that with passable shooting and a handful of cunning sections and you've got a well-made game that's more than competent and the gaming equivalent of popcorn cinema: utterly derivative, but one Hell of an expedition. A respectful nod towards such gaming traditions as invaders from space and escaping before the facility blows up in classic Metroid fashion lends character to proceedings, and elevates the package above being "just another FPS". It's not outstanding, but it's nearly there, and ideal throwaway entertainment.
In comparison to the uncensored US Version, the UK Version lacks 2 ingame sequences and a scripted sequence. Moreover a chopped off head and hand have been removed.



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