
La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer

Removal of office furniture and equipment?

Hello! I urgently need somewhere to take out office furniture and equipment with additional storage, because in our office planned repairs. Tell me where and how to find the most reliable company that provides such services? I would not want to pay for it out of my pocket in case of damage to the property.

Seitenaufrufe: 9


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Kommentar von Lisa Woods am 6. Mai 2019 um 8:09am

You're lucky! A2B company has a team of professional movers and its own large warehouses. You will be helped to take out quickly furniture and equipment and will place it in a warehouse until in your office repair isn't finished. Read more about the services here https://a2bremovalsgroup.com.au/removals-perth/.

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