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ZOOMnBOOM Serial Number

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About This Game

ZOOMnBOOM is a game about driving really fast and exploding. Survive for as long as you can without crashing into the light trails left by you and your opponents! Your spee 5d3b920ae0

Genre: Action, Indie, Racing
MooCow Games
MooCow Games
Release Date: 29 Aug, 2018


  • OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel i5-3340M
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • G


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more maps and better sound pls still really good. Reminds me of Tron's lightcycles, and I've always wanted a game based on that, so this is up my alley. The bots are surprisingly tough, and the controls are tight enough to feel like you're in control but loose enough to require a bit of skill to survive. It'd be great to see some added features eventually since it's got a good foundation.. Needs better sound, some music and a scoreboard. Gameplay is sort of fun and I could see it being rad multiplayer. Priced about right for what it is, but definitely needs some work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diqyW9rU4GQ. Feels unfinished. Where's the HUD?? Can't look around. Can't see the other bikes unless they are in front of you. Can't see your kills. No idea how many riders remain. There are white orbs you drive through and then.nothing happens. Give it a pass.

Sky Climbers Core Of Darkness Warforged Cine Tracer ViSP - Virtual Space Port ViSP Update 1.1 : performance hotfix : Thank you for your feedback in the community hub! Please let us know if there are further issues, we will try our best to address them.. ViSP & Team Introduction : Hi everybody :) We made this short video to introduce ourselves and give you a little insight into the development of ViSP. If you read this you probably already played the demo (if not you can find the Download Demo button on the Steam Store Page ), so feel free to leave your feedback here on the Community Hub or join us on our Discord Server [discordapp.com] .. Demo Update 1.3: Oculus Update : Many things happened that delayed our development process, but since a couple of months we are back on track to finalize ViSP! If everything goes according to plan, we will be able to release ViSP in February! In the meantime, we provide to you our new demo, which features: Performance Optimization & Polishing - a good framerate is key for any VR title, so we put a lot of time and effort to make the best experience possible Full Oculus Rift Support - we implemented full Oculus Rift support by adding key features, correct controller mapping and updated ingame informations such as the tutorial New Languages - German, French, Macedonian, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swiss German, Traditional Chinese and Turkish Updated Menu & Credit Screen - polished the ingame menu and added the credit screen And as always if you have any more feedback, please leave it in the ViSP Demo Feedback thread or reach out to us via Discord [discordapp.com] / Twitter .. Demo Update 1.1: Navigation Update : Thank you everybody for playing our demo and giving us feedback! :) We've read all of it and are evaluating your ideas to improve our plans for the full version of ViSP! First of all, we implemented some navigation improvements to make the demo more accessible: Horizontal movement - you are now able to play in smaller spaces or while sitting down Improved rotation - reworked rotation gives you a more precise control and doesn't stutter If you have any more feedback, please leave it in the ViSP Demo Feedback thread or reach out to us via Discord [discordapp.com] .. ViSP Update 1.0 : We did it! : We did it! After two years of work, our VR spaceport building game ViSP is finally released with our new cinematic trailer! As a team of two Game Design students, we began working on ViSP as a university project two years ago. We made the first prototype for a three week experimental game jam using the HTC Vive and designing a VR-exclusive title. We were really happy with our early prototype as it was something really different than you commonly find on the VR games market. Because of that we decided to try our best to develop it as our first commercially released game! We managed to win some prices with our concept and got funding to spend one year developing ViSP. It was a great time but also a time of unforeseen challenges and many overworked nights while somehow trying to finish also our university degree. And now we finally reached our goal: Today we released ViSP on Steam, as well as our launch trailer, which was basically like a whole second project in itself and took months to complete! The ViSP - Virtual Space Port Launch version 1.0 features: - full support for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality - 14 implemented languages (if we do not support your prefered language and you would like to help with the translation, just feel free to contact us) - 20 levels + a creative mode + a tutorial - 87 achievements , which bring additional challenges to the game - all our sweat, blood, love and tears from the past 2 years In addition we provide a demo where the tutorial and the first level are playable for free, to get a better impression from ViSP.

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