
La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer

Good day to all, friends! I want to find good developers who will write competent software for one logistics company. I want to know your opinion, who is the best person to contact. Thank you in advance!

Seitenaufrufe: 33


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Kommentar von Jeorge Waters am 29. November 2021 um 10:00am

Hi! It all depends on how much money you have. If you want good software, then as a rule, you have to pay money for good work, and if there is no money, it is better to save. And so, I would recommend logistic software development to you, who are not the first year in this market and know their business like no one else. Personally, I would appeal to them.

Kommentar von Bill Shiphr am 29. November 2021 um 9:59am

I suggest you use the trial and error method.

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