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27 May 2011 . vBulletin upgrade process for large vBulletin 3.x to 4.x forums. eva2000's . cd /home/username/ mysqldump --opt -Q -u mysqlusername -p.. union select 1,1,1,1,1,userid,password,1,username from user -- 9. #23 -Ramos-, 2 Dec . vBulletin Mod RPG Inferno 2.4 (inferno.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability . XSS (3.7.1 & 3.6.10) XSS-base64. July 27, 2013, 10:58:06 AM by Doublejay Converting from vBulletin 4.2.1 to SMF 2.0.15 . vBulletin 3.8 to SMF -- conversion error messages. Started by lpetrich.. 14 Jun 2008 . Advisory : Exploit for vBulletin "obscure" XSS Release Date : June 13th 2008 Application : vBulletin Version : vBulletin 3.7.1 and lower, vBulletin.. 28 Dec 2012 . On its site www.vbulletin.com potential customers are given examples of 11. . Also, NASA's WorldWind forum runs on vb 3.7.1 (WordlWind was their . Moreso to show the hypocrisy of IB -- pushing a not-so-great product,.. 17 Jul 2008 . A vulnerability was reported in vBulletin. A remote user can conduct . Put SecurityTracker Vulnerability Alerts on Your Web Site -- It's Free! . Discussion vBulletin released PL1 for their 3.7.1 and 3.6.10 versions of vBulletin:.. 30. Jan. 2017 . Um Ihr vBulletin auf die aktuelle Version zu bringen, sei es 3.8.9, 4.2.3 oder 5.x, mssen Sie Ihre Lizenz zu vBulletin.com transferieren und dort.. 18 Sep 2010 . Website and Forum Hacking-Any Exploits for vbulletin 3.7.2. . Vbulletin, Vbulletin, 3.7.1, Pl1 Vbulletin .. 1 Aug 2017 . Bonsoir, La version 5.3.2 de vBulletin connect est disponible dans votre espace membre. source:.. From time to time it will be necessary to upgrade your vBulletin installation to the . to the latest version of vBulletin 5 Connect from the following vBulletin versions: . You would run it with these options: mysqldump --opt -Q -u USERNAME -p.. 1 2008 . Release a pre-modded version of vbulletin 3.7.1 Points System Reputation system .. 8. Juni 2008 . VBulletin 3.7.1 Admins Blog. . ein Update der Foren Software von Version 3.7.0 auf 3.7.1 erschienen ist und dies nun halt mal prioritt besitzt .. 27 May 2008 . vBulletin 3.7.1. It is four weeks today since the 'gold' release of vBulletin 3.7.0. In that time, we have been busy squashing the inevitable.. 8 Jul 2008 . Other attacks are also possible. Versions prior to vBulletin 3.7.2 PL1 and 3.6.10 PL3 are vulnerable. . edit to match your data -->

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