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Title: UTOPIA 9 - A Volatile Vacation
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 5 May, 2016
English,French,Danish,Polish,German,Finnish,Swedish,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese
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And the purple blood flowed like wine. Utopia 9 comes out of nowhere and adds itself to the list of alltime great twinstick shooters available on Steam. Ranking right up there with the newly released rogue twinsticks - Enter the Gungeon and Neon Chrome - Utopia 9 has a certian charm that makes it feel unique. The shooting mechanics feel very solid and are quite satisfying as aliens pop with a gory purple delight. Add in multiple firearms, melee weapons, mutations, a martian theme, and stylish graphics for the cherry on top. I'm really diggin it so far. Another interesting addition becomes hunting down the aliens that have killed your fellow tourists and exacting revenge. It's tough though because not only do th e aliens use fallen tourists weapons but they also become more powerful and heavily armored with each tourist they kill. IMO Utopia is only lacking an endless horde mode set in an open arena. I believe an arena mode is currently being considered by the devs so one can only hope! A+ title.. UTOPIA 9, When I got this game, I had no expectations, no knowledge or anything about the game. I just dug right into it. It's something special. I mean, it looks like many other games of the same genre. But this in particular has some unique rogue-like features to it, that I most certainly love. The game itself is easy to learn, and quickly you will play it once or twice a day, just because you want to clear the place where you died. I won't spoil anything, since I think you should learn for yourself. I deffinetely recommend buying this.. Very enjoyable twin-stick shooter. I would say a controller is mandatory because evading enemy fire is more important than accuracy, even if ammunition is sometimes tight. Once you know the game well, it takes about 40-60 minutes to do a full run and there are a number of mutators which can be put in place to very the experience (for example, steroids that increase carrying capacity but decrease stealth). The enemies come in a limited variety of types (normal, bigger, biggest), but they carry all the weapons in the game and use them reasonably intelligently - their A.I. also gives them a range of behaviors (sometimes they will even flee to find friends). When your character is killed, an enemy will pick up his gear and acquire a name - you will then be able to defeat that foe on a future run to recover your lost loot. This and other small touches (such as retaining the crashed hulks of previous tourist ships) lend the game the feeling of a semi-persistent environment, even if the core principles (kill mutants, find better gear, submit a complaint to the office) remain the same from one run to the next. There are 40 or so weapons, ranging from the humble pistol and swung suitcase up to FPS staples like railguns and chainsaws. Your character has four slots for weapons and big guns use two slots, but have both a primary and secondary fire, giving you some choice in how to use them. Overall, I thought the guns were satisfying to use and sounded effective, so no complaints there. Performance wise, I thought the game looked decent, with plenty of purple mutant blood sprayed everywhere after intense fights and generally bright and upbeat graphics. I didn't experience any frame rate drops or crashes.. This initially started at the bottom of my twin-stick 'to-get' list. Factors were a poor impression gotten from a more-narrative-than-informative trailer that seemed more interested in showing off a rather halfu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665mixed media motion-comic than its gameplay, and vague 'samey' screenshots that seem to sell the vistas more than the main course. It had even put me off looking for lets play videos as a result. Talk about false advertising. So I finally got round to this little u2665u2665u2665u2665ing gem which I now consider my favourite twin-stick dual-wieldable experience I've had since hotline miami. And even then I love it alot more in many ways. So it might just be my absolute favourite twin-stick experience EVER. Makes me regret even wasting my time with the 4-5 other more popular titles. Mainly due to the following aspects: PROS: 1)The GUNPLAY PACING. UNGGGHH. SO u2665u2665u2665u2665ING REFRESHING. Initial firefight on the landing (scrapyard) zone had my eyebrow raised throughout, uncertain if I was playing in a artificially slowed, slowmo ballet mode. By the time I had to switch hands to blind-fire from behind the benches at the welcome area while using my briefcase to shove the bench against the melee goons I. WAS. SOLD. 2)The tactical pacing! Yes, the players projectiles fire at a faster(normal?) velocity while the enemies seem to suffer a slowdown in theirs for the most part, and in typical arcadey fashion, all their attacks have some sort of wind-up sequence that adds to this intoxicating blend of almost too cheese and easy to predict vs. 'once you get too cocky/adventurous with the gunkata and unsuccessfully failing hard at john wicking due to a microsecond reaction delay, a handful of unforseen tactical parameters changing, and a face full of FAST shotgun pellets you'd find yourself falling onto the landing site once more in your sorry excuse for a tourist transport pod.' 2)Animations are simple, sometimes lazy, definitely clever. Always satisfying. Details like shields getting torn apart and caps getting shot off and faceplates shattering, to the barrels while terribly recycled are easy to gloss over because of the elegant integration with physics. The little things are what also help this shine. 3) Sound of a fleeing mutant getting shot in the back, letting out an adorable shriek, and splattering against the pavement never gets old. Gore, even though visually overdone, somehow doesn't feel overdone as a whole package, very. Artfully balanced. Maybe cause its nice to go all jackson pollock on the muties. Still processing why. CONS: 1)The nemesis system feels more punishment than encouragement, with the mutie getting super jacked up and somehow spawning with only (1?) of the weapons he seemingly looted instead of 2? Either way on my 8th tourist, I figured it was pretty much the fault of the random generation not being very. Fair? In a game where every scarce healthpoint counts, having such a seemingly diverse and random variety and position of mobs from even the starting zone, felt a bit cheap. I had really simple cheese runs to dying within the first two levels due to (early?) grenadiers. their blast radius. Omfggg 2)Explosive destructibles. Initially, i felt the abundance of damaging props in the surroundings were a lazy attempt at filling the level, but once faced with a random assigned HUGE MOB, kiting them in and around the various destructibles helped thin out their ranks was indispensable to progressing. Sometimes tooo forced, feels like im at a tactical disadvantage for not utilising barrels, after all isnt this meant to reward mano-a-mutant marksmanship? Probably just me? (also. Fully charged cooking glove and explosive barrels are a bit too imba? !) 2) mutations are sometimes too obviously useful (convert ammo to hp) and becomes a bit game breaking, no encouragement for experimentation and risk/reward play for me as I think dying at the final boss because of a 'telefrag' spawn kinda sucksu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 55 minutes in, i dont think making myself 'stronger' with a spray matters all that much, if what im building towards in terms of loadout(which lets face it, IS the game), is never certain. Too many layers of such randomness did not encourage me to dial in on the tactics i enjoyed so much of as mentioned above, and since time-to-be-killed especially sucks to fun out of/does not encourage me to try out the vastly unique range of weapons. I'm sad to have learnt that the devs will no longer be supporting the game for the forseeable future but I look forward to following their work. Keep it up you two! I love your taste, and thanks for having made this.. This game really has a lot going for it. It features some stunning yet cute graphics and some very addictive gameplay. It sort of reminds me of Captain Keen meets Diablo, only with ragdoll physics, sick weapons and some great sound effects. One minute you're shooting easy dudes with your pistol, the next you're hammering away at a mini-boss with some crazy laser cannon. Then you're out of ammo and have to beat it with your suitcase. There is also some interesting customisation options with the mutation system. Basically you're turning into an ammo-grabbing juggernaut. Oh, and did I mention. It's very VERY challenging. You start out in a short intro-level and you think "I got this." But wait, because you don't. Somehow even with the most high-powered weapons and body armour these mutants always get me. That's why I like to stun them one by one, just to feel like I'm pawning them for a change. If you didn't already, you will definitely want to buy this must-have gem of a game. If this is early access I can't even imagine what the full release will be like.. If you enjoy Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, or Binding of Isaac this hits many of the same bulletpoints but adds "Couch Co-op Friendly" to the mix, along with a unique inventory, and a mutation system that allows you to do downright stupid builds. Control is smooth on both keyboard and gamepad, Weapons feel impactful and different, the ragdolling corpses ond debris add to the chaos as your wrench sends a foe skipping across the road splatting bits of him as he slams off of walls and dumpsters. A well placed grenade sends a gaggle of enemies haplessly twirling through the air showering drops soylent and gore. Its got a kitschy retro-futurist vibe going for it too which adds a further layer of absurdity to the action. The weapon variety is strong, with even two weapons of the same class being totally different. A 4-slot weapon inventory system makes loadouts particularly interesting as you can dual wield any two 1-slot single handed weapons or just lug around 2 2-slot heavy weapons. Painting the alleyways and streets with twin powerfists is pretty hilarious, then again so is dropping a wall of lead with a flak pistol and doublebarreled revolver. You also have slots for different types of wearable armor and an active item slot for various thowable weapons. The item pool is just big enough for particular goodies to be rare, while small enough that nothing is chaff. Mutations and Creams mix it up further and allow you to "build" a run and pursue synergies rather than reactively coping with whatever comes along. Like Nuclear throne, you are given three choices each level up, allowing you to add effects to weapon classes, gain passive/active abilities, or cause new kinds of stuff to drop. Creams are buffs you choose at the outset of runs to slant your hapless vacationeer into certain playstyles, each coming with a powerful buff, but also one or two fairly serious backdraws right out of the gate. Co-op tends to be where other watershed games of this type typically end up wanting, here it's a primary focus. The action while frantic,is much easier to read than its contemporaries, pickups are shared, chests give off more loot per player and it's fairly hard to lose track of your character amid all the explosions particles and gore.. It's a pretty good "roguelite" shooter in terms of design, gameplay and presentation. It's a bit slower paced than most other shooters and enemy variety is based on equipment and enemy size. Their behaviour does not vary at all, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The nemesis system implementation is kinda fun. But I gotta mention the cons. This game is seriously lacking content. I'm gonna go through a list just to make the point clear: There seems to be only 1 unlockable character and not that different anyway. There's no difficulty selection. No music, just dark, dreary ambient sound in the background. I've already unlocked all perks, there's not that many and they don't change that much anyway. There's not a whole lot of mutations and again, they're not that exciting, but they do help quite a bit. While I like the selection of weapons, I just end up picking mostly the same stuff everytime and there's not that many. The game is almost completely linear and all 3 areas are corridors and tend to look the same. WHERE'S THE UNLOCKABLES?! This is probably its biggest sin. I feel done already. Just thinking about playing this again bores me. An example on how dull this game ends up feeling: Completing a run is just super unsatisfying. You beat a boss (it's no Isaac's mom) and then that's it. A text box pops up and you're done. yay? Remember how awesome and triumphant it felt to complete Binding of Isaac only to realize that there are many other ways to beat the game and with different bosses. This game just falls flat on its face and farts in your face with its bare a$$ staring at you. The gamepad controls are very strange. In this game you move fast if you aim in the direction you're moving, this makes sense for M+KB. But the controls have clearly not been properly adjusted for gamepads. You have to constantly be aiming with the right stick. Letting go off it just leaves the aim where you last had it instead of the left stick overriding the right stick if the right stick is in a neutral position so that you can move fast without having to aiming all the freaking time. Navigating menus is a pain with the gamepad as well. The cursor just never goes where it should. Do not pay full price for this. In fact, comparing this to Relic Hunters Zero (a totally free roguelike shooter) and the lack of content becomes really embarrasing. Go play that instead, it's a lot better. Again, this really isn't bad, just kinda pointless as a roguelike for the price you pay.
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