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Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Telugu Full Movie Download

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Telugu Full Movie Download ->>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

Genge: Action,Thriller

















































Casey Ryback hops on a Colorado to LA train to start a vacation with his niece. Early into the trip, terrorists board the train and use it as a mobile HQ to hijack a top secret destructive US satellite.
Commandos take over a passenger train in a remote, mountainous region and install computer and radio equipment so that it becomes a moving command post for the control of a incredibly destructive military satellite. Their plan: have foreign governments give them one billion dollars in exchange for the destruction of targets like Washington. But Casey Ryback is on board, and attempts to communicate to the outide world where the bad guys are, and stop them before they can carry out their plan of destruction.
In fact, the only reason I have given it a rating of '2' rather than '1' is that it's SO bad it's almost laughable. Almost.

The original 'Under Siege' was a surprisingly watchable offering, but this poor excuse for an action film is so abysmal even hardened thrill-seekers will be looking at their watches after ten minutes, eagerly awaiting the credits. Everything about this movie is awful, none the more than Seagal's own performance: without a shadow of a doubt the worst showing by any actor or actress I have ever seen in a major motion picture.

I don't even know why I am wasting my time thinking about this film anymore. Just heed my message: Don't ever watch Under Siege 2: Dark Territory.

2/10 ok ok, i know several other people have mentioned that this movie is horribly illogical... but everyone seems to forget one very important and obvious proof of this. ok, here's the scene. seagal is standing somewhere on the outside of the train, between two different cars. one of the terrorists, a sniper lady, gets out a sniper gun with a scope, aims, and shoots seagal in the heart. you watch him get shot... he falls over, like any dead guy would, and falls between the two cars, assumably getting run over.... but is he dead? no. worse off, is he shot? no! ok, so somehow he manages to hang onto the bottom of the train, get back up, appear back inside one of the train cars, and is now talking to the black guy person... and this is where the worste part comes in. the black guy (who is DEFINATELY the "token black guy" in the movie) mentions to seagal that he just saw him get shot, seagal points to where the bullet hit him, and actually says "you see this? no bullet went in this"... and for the entire rest of the movie, they just completely ignore the fact that he was shot... i suppose you just have to accept the fact that he's... umm... bulletproof? yeah, that's it......... oh oh, there's another really bad scene that nobody else has mentioned. ok, so the train is going along the side of a big cliff... somehow seagal manages to find himself hanging off the side of this cliff. well of course that happens, every action star has to have a scene where he's hanging by his finger tips off the sid of a cliff.. duh... but ok, so they stop the train and send guys out to get him. one of the guy magically has rock climbing propelling equimpent, hooks up a rope, and propells himself over the side of the cliff down towards seagal. seagal again is hanging entirely by his finger tips, and appears to be struggling not to fall. however, whenever this nice guy with the rope comes down to kill him, suddenly seagal apparently is able to defy gravity. he takes one of his hands off the cliff, turns entirely around (somehow) and starts to talk to the guy... picture it... he's hanging there, facing away from the cliff, hanging on by only the finger tips of one hand... and it doesnt even look like he's hanging on with that hand. he just looks like he's standing there, leaning up against a wall or something... but last time i checked, it's pretty hard to stand on AIR. anyways, using that one mighty hand of his, he pushes up off the cliff and lunges towards the guy on the rope... when's the last time you had the strength in one arm (that you're using to barely hang on to the side of a cliff, mind you) to just launch yourself 10 feet towards a guy on a rope? oh yeah, i forgot. you're not an action hero... ok ok ok, i know i said i'd only rant about one at the beginning and i've already mentioned two, but there is a third i just have to mention. which one? the whole making-a-bomb scene. at one point he walks into one of the train cars, which for some reason is stocked with food items (it's NOT the kitchen), and starts fiddling around with stuff. since there is no logical explination for what he's doing, he decides to explain it himself. he turns to the camera and says "oh, so you want to know what i'm doing? i'm making a bomb"... and with that, he takes a scoop of what appears to be either crisco, ice cream or something of that sort and some ice cubes, and mixes it all up in one of those bar tender drink mixer things... he straps his beeper onto the side (which somehow works as a timer? maybe?) and declares it now a bomb. well, it explodes alright, so i guess he was right. anyway, now he casually walks into the main room where all the bad guys are, throws it in, and it explodes... now mind you, all of the fancy equipment that the bad guys were using to try and blow up things was in that room... and he just threw a bomb in there... now despite the fact that all of the equipment assumably just got blown up (and you actually see it on fire), it is in perfect condition later on, and working perfectly fine... hmm, maybe they had a few more lying around in storage just in case.... of course there is the really bad scene that was already mentioned where he runs faster than a 200mph train crash... but that's beside the point... of course there are all of the other things about this movie that just p*** me off... like how his little Apple palm-pilot dohicky has to wait 30 seconds before it can redial... why? because Apple likes to add suspense to everything. argh. ok, ok, i'll stop complaining about specific scenes and just give you all a summary. the movie was terrible. the acting was horrible, though what else would you suspect from steven seagal? i swear its in his contract to act poorly or something. the story plot was extremely predictable.. well, as long as you think seagal is invincable.. otherwise you'd have predicted his death many times throughout the movie (especialy when he got shot! agh!) but yeah... this movie is only worth watching if you're the type of person who enjoys laughing at how increadably bad a movie is.. and even then, it's still pretty terrible... i'd give it... 0.25 stars as a movie over all... but i'll add two to that just for making me laugh at how stupid it was... but then i have to subtract 1.5 just for p***ing me off.. overall? 0.75 stars out of 10. hey, thats pretty good for this movie...

The British BBFC-18 home video version has been heavily cut in order to obtain a rating and several action sequences involving knives, bone breaking and other cruel violent scenes are missing in this version.
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