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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Movie Free Download In Hindi

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Movie Free Download In Hindi >>> http://urllio.com/r1zx1

Original Title: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Genge: Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Mystery,Romance,Thriller


















































After being tracked down by Harry Flynn, Nathan Drake goes on a quest for Marco Polo' lost fleet. However when things take an unexpected turn for the worst, Drake must rely on those closest to him in order to find the Cintomani Stone.
Everyone appears to be very excited about the release of Uncharted: Among Thieves - and so they should be. It is a good game, but not an excellent one. It is highly overrated, and once again has repetitive game play, just like the original. Halfway through the game, I was sick and tired of gunfight after gunfight, and was just waiting for the next group of men to attack me. There was very little puzzle solving, which was a real shame. There was no time for me to catch my breath as every time I turned a corner I seemed to be under fire. The characters and voice acting are very good however, but Drake's witty remarks soon managed to irritate me. Every time something bad happened in the game (e.g. monsters show up or you have to climb a tall building) I felt like shouting out in irritation. But Drake did that for me, by saying "Oh crap" or "You gotta be kidding me." And in actual fact, it worked quite nicely. You felt that Drake was really on your side. After a while however, it became predictable and irritating.

The fact that the developers of the Uncharted series are already saying that they're better than Tomb Raider is laughable. Tomb Raider has spawned theme park rides, two movies, comics and a ton of games. Uncharted has none of that. They should come back in 10 years when they've sold half as many games as Lara Croft. Making comments like that is just being plain cocky. No one likes a cocky person. My advice to you all is that you're better off with the Tomb Raider series. I hope they don't make an Uncharted 3, but as long as sad little game geek/freaks keep buying it, they probably will. Shame. Having played the first Uncharted and enjoying it very much, I was very excited to hear that there was to be a sequel.

After waiting several months for Uncharted 2 to be released I finally bought it. That's right. I went straight out and bought it. I didn't play it safe by renting it first. I knew it was going to be a great game. Hell was I right.

The graphics are the best in a game I have ever seen. There was nothing that I thought was lazily made and designed. It all looked stunning. From the water flooding out of a destroyed laundromat,to the trees gently blowing in the wind, to the birds flying in the sky, to the snow, to the building textures...Uhh its all amazing! Oh and of course the characters.

The characters are the most believable and likable I have ever seen in a game (except of course maybe Metal Gear Solid. But even while playing this game, I began to doubt the greatness of the MGS series). Each character has their own personality and characteristic that makes them ...A PERSON! You really feel for the characters and enjoy them on screen, oh I mean in-game.

The story is engaging and entertaining with thrills, suspense, romance and comedy. There are moments in the game that I actually laugh out loud to because the voice actors deliver their lines so brilliantly.

The gameplay is superb. From shooting over the shoulder, to beating up mercenaries with your fists, to traversing along ledges and cliffs, to leaping from carriage to carriage onboard a train. Okay, there were some moments that were a bit difficult due to game design, but hey, who cares? This game is outstanding.

I could write more, but I can't be bothered, I want to go and play this game again! I highly recommend Uncharted 2 to any PS3 owner. It is a must have.

Istanbul, Borneo and Nepal. A recurring motif in the Uncharted series is the idea that magic and science are merely different ways in which an individual might attempt to explain the world. One could presume, as with the virus in Drake's Fortune, that the Tree of Life was in some sense magical. We know of countless plants with remarkable pharmaceutical properties, though, and there are many more yet to be discovered. The Tree of Life found in Shambhala, perhaps, was one such example.

Unlike Nate, who initially believed he was searching for a giant emerald (the Cintamani Stone), Lazarevic (and Schafer) knew of legends that related the incredible regenerative power of the tree's sap. The antagonist sought the Tree of Life not for monetary reward, nor even glory, but the promise of immortality. The Guardians of Shambhala were probably once the population who created an isolated utopia, initially imbibing the young Tree of Life's narcotic, life-enhancing sap in small doses. As the tree grew larger, they became dependent on consuming greater quantities, and could no longer leave; they were stronger, effectively immortal, but utterly addicted to its vascular outpourings.

Based on the safe presumption that discontinuing use of the sap would be deadly, this symbiotic relationship enabled the tree to grow unchecked while protected from potential threats. The Guardians were essentially bound in servitude, compelled to defend the origin of the drug that sustained them. Isolated from outside civilisation, the primitive Guardians dressed in terrifying costumes to deter those who might have discovered Shambhala (leading, it is implied, to the myth of the Yeti), and killed those who persisted. Few players realised that every piece of plant life seen in Shambhala is in fact connected to the Tree of Life. It grew rampant with great age, its roots entwined with every part of the city. When Nate creates a chain-reaction of explosions in the confrontation with Lazarevic at the climax of Among Thieves, the tree is killed; no longer anchored to the main trunk and roots, the surrounding landscape collapses.


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