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There has been a drastic change in the market due to cloud computing and the top 10 US-based cloud service providers providing these services. The leading AI cloud service providers based in the US support global IT infrastructure. In addition to improving security and privacy controls, public AI cloud service providers facilitate the inherent efficiencies of distributed cloud computing, allowing for the development innovative software applications and platforms. Therefore, it is critical to understand each leading cloud service provider's strategy.
1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) (AWS)
One of the world's largest cloud service providers is's Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company offers over 200 fully featured services from its data centers, including computing, storage, and database. AWS currently operates 26 regions and 84 availability zones.
2. Amber Cloud
Amber X and AmberPRO Personal Cloud are storage devices that allow users to store all their data privately at home or the Office and access it from anywhere. Through the friendly Amber iX mobile app, you can set up the device, backup your camera roll, browse your photos, stream and cast your videos, access and even share your files and folders. Each Amber device maintains its sovereign data domain in the Amber Hybrid Cloud by controlling its access control permission list. AmberCloud identifies the user who attempts to make a data access request. Each Amber device still grants or rejects access to the data using its most up-to-date access control permission list stored on the Amber device. LatticeWork designed the Amber Hybrid Cloud to have the Amber device rely on little trust in the AmberCloud, even though it created both sides of the system.
3. Azure by Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation's Intelligent Cloud segment includes Azure, the world's second-largest cloud service provider. Microsoft Azure offers a consistent hybrid cloud experience, developer productivity, artificial intelligence (AI), and security and compliance. Currently, Microsoft Azure operates 60 regions and 116 availability zones.
4. Google Cloud Platform 3 (GCP)
Alphabet Inc's Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the world's third-largest cloud service provider, offering enterprise-ready cloud services. In addition to providing security, data management, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI), the Google Cloud Platform allows developers to build, test, and deploy applications on its distributed and scalable infrastructure.
5. Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Group is the world's fourth-largest cloud service provider. Alibaba Cloud offers cloud services such as elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization, large-scale computing, security, management & application services, big data analytics, and machine learning.
6. Oracle Cloud
Cloud Services (OCI) include Oracle Cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Through OCI, the company provides computing, storage, and networking infrastructure technologies as a service. Currently, Oracle Cloud operates 38 regions and 46 availability zones.
7. The Tencent Cloud
The cloud computing unit of Tencent Holdings, Tencent Cloud, is China's second-largest cloud service provider after Alibaba Cloud. Currently, Tencent Cloud operates 21 regions and 65 availability zones. As well as 26 areas and 70 availability zones, Tencent Cloud offers five partner regions.
8. OVHcloud OVHcloud
The company provided bare metal and hosted private, public, and web clouds based in Europe. There are currently 13 OVHcloud locations, including 33 data centers and 400,000 physical servers. OVHcloud, in particular, owns 30 of its 33 data centers.
9. DigitalOcean
Cloud service provider DigitalOcean offers on-demand infrastructure and platform tools to small and medium-sized businesses, including developers, start-ups, and SMBs. DigitalOcean, across eight regions, operates a total of 14 data conversions.
10. Linode (Akamai)
Akamai Technologies, a content delivery network (CDN) and security solutions provider, purchased Linode in March 2022 for $900 million. Linode currently operates 11 data centers from which it offers virtual machines, containers, and storage services.
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