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Tomb Raider: Guerilla Skin Hacked

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This outfit makes Lara look like a jungle warfare guerilla (single player outfit). 5d3b920ae0

Title: Tomb Raider: Guerilla Skin
Genre: Action, Adventure
Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)
Square Enix, F


  • OS:Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista,7,8 (32bit/64bit)
  • Processor:Dual core CPU: AMD Athlon64 X2 2.1 Ghz (4050+), I

English,German,French,Italian,Korean,Traditional Chinese,Russian,Polish,Dutch,Czech,Arabic

tomb raider 2013 guerilla skin. tomb raider 2013 guerilla skin. tomb raider guerilla skin. tomb raider guerilla skin

It's cool to be able to change skins for your character but make it unlockable and add special abilities. For this skin, the ability could be infinite rifle ammo and unlocked by killing a certain number of combatants with the rifle.. Great skin!!!. Back in the day you unlocked new outfits in games by completing goals within the game, now you unlock them by paying an extra 59p. This is purely a pointless visual change that actually detracts from the original game because this outfit does not get damaged as the game progresses in the way the default outfit does.. I recommend it.. nice skin.. It's absolutely worth it, if bought in a bundle.. She is ready to kick asses.. yes to bad not have less damage with bullets because that is kevlar :), and really bad dont use the knife. This be a great dlc if: - Kevlar resist 30% bullets and sharper guns - Use Knife from skin without full slot of guns - Buff agility and melee atack 20% as long use this skin - Possibility repair kevlar with damage take. But still are a great game with good skin.I play tomb Raider since sega saturn, far is Tomb raider 2, then Chronicles,Tomb raider 2013, Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary. yes to bad not have less damage with bullets because that is kevlar :), and really bad dont use the knife. This be a great dlc if: - Kevlar resist 30% bullets and sharper guns - Use Knife from skin without full slot of guns - Buff agility and melee atack 20% as long use this skin - Possibility repair kevlar with damage take. But still are a great game with good skin.I play tomb Raider since sega saturn, far is Tomb raider 2, then Chronicles,Tomb raider 2013, Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary. Worst DLC practice in gaming.

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