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The Ultimatest Battle Portable

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About This Game

The Ultimatest Battle is a real-time, 2D platform game in which two team 5d3b920ae0

Title: The Ultimatest Battle
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer
Release Date: 12 Sep, 2017


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Patch 0.0.02a - revealed : Patch 0.0.02a. Leaderboards Update : Hi everybody ! After a wait longer than expected, we announce you with great pleasure the return of the awaited leaderboards! The different ladders are now visible from the UB Community tab. You can find the rankings by XP, by CK, as well as the seasonal classification! The first season started on March 14th, and will end on April 30th. This test season will last exceptionally 1 month and a half instead of three, which will allow you to get your first seasonal rewards faster o/ For more details on the different ladders, go to the previous article , or directly in game;) Only the seasonal classification brings rewards at the end of each season, the other rankings are purely indicative, and allows you to compare your scores to those of other Nubs! If you notice that your experience is not updated in real time, don't panic: the rankings are updated every 6 hours.. November's Edionews : Hello everyone, We hope you enjoy our monstrous Halloween event on UB, the Zombie and Versus Boss game modes are no longer available. It is no longer possible to get new vertebrae rings, but there is still time to recover your exclusive gifts if you have not done so yet: the rewards interface will remain available until the end of November. FanArt Contest As usual we have received Ultimatest creations for our Halloween contest, to not prolong the suspense we will announce the winners without delay: In 3rd position: Shakaboum : Bettypal1 : Omontdieu : Congratulations to them who win a bronze medal and a Halloween accessory in "reward" quality! In 2nd position: Spacesoda : Epic movie poster that we would like to see released in the hall near our home :p Aranelle & Katsux : A special sentry for Halloween, you can watch their video right here. Majonnie : Nice family photo, where we guess that the Ninja spent Halloween in another game :p Congratulations to them, who are awarded a silver medal, an accessory and a Halloween 2017 hat in "reward" quality! And finally, in 1st position: Vampiriou : Triple models of Halloween objects this year. Nu4ge : Superb papercraft scene that Nu4ge has the secret! [/center] Tritonis : An ultimatest comic (in french) that we let you appreciate by yourself :) Ultimatest GG to them who receive a gold medal, in addition to 3 Halloween items in "reward" quality! Thank you to all participants, who will still receive a tissue and a jewel of compensation! Coming on UB You are probably aware that we propose each year an Advent Calendar for all our Nubs! And the year of our release on Steam will not depart from this rule! As is the tradition, from December 1 to December 25 included you can get a gift per day by simply logging on UB. Log in and access the Calendar from the Main Menu, then click on the box corresponding to today's date and get your Ultimatest Gift :D Items offered in the Advent Calendar will be, and will remain untradable. Ice Tokens, which you will sometimes get in the calendar, will be used to be exchanged for different items during the Christmas event that will arrive in the course of December! You will notice that the Community page has been revisited, so that you can more easily search for friends or Guilds.. Update 0.27.1 : - Added a pop-up alert when joining a server located in another region in Quickplay - Improved visibility of items contained in a Rune in the Shop - Bug with some players not able to move and floating at spawn should be fixed (please send a bug report if you encounter this kind of issue) - Added a background image in the How to Play section ----- Make sure to restart your Steam client to force the update. Patch 0.0.02b - revealed : Right now we are finishing our works with planned upcoming Patch. Which will be live around 19:00 UTC for Windows following again by mac and linux within next few hours. Patch contains these solved identified issues: - the biggest rotunda had a missing wall above entry - all rotundas doors now open more (70 -> 85) - small changes on rotundas (fixed one broken brick, moved altar, doorstep) - restarting world also remove units - when building bigger block in touch with a floor. It also transformed built block into the floor. - one of the torches used 2 lights instead of 1 - if you loaded marshal with gloves it changed marshals body armor, also could crash - Candle fire animation will now cycle correctly. - Optimized fire particles on Distance - Fire, boats and units now using way lighter system to update their state. - Faster block building (around 20%) by preloading. - Fixed a bug which prevented to remove placed objects. - soldiers are removed when restarting world correctly. Aside solved issues patch also comes with few new features: - building block pooling - faster load & lesser lag after build (around 20%) - a better camera movement and rotation interpolations for smoother movement.. Update 0.29 : Advent Calendar 2017

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