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Title: The Riftbreaker
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy
EXOR Studios
EXOR Studios
EXOR Studios
Release Date: Sometime in 2020
English,French,German,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese
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The Riftbreaker's Armory - Assault Rifle : Every Mechanically Augmented Riftbreaking System ( MARS ) Suit is factory equipped with several basic weapons and tools to ensure the users survival in the new world. The one that our users tend to utilize the most is the Helios Mk III assault rifle. In spite of very high fire, the MARS Suit allows the Riftbreaker to hold the weapon in one hand only and shoot with minimal recoil. The ammunition productions schematics are included, which means that every Riftbreaker can create the rounds needed in the comfort of their Headquarters. The rounds are transported straight into the chamber thanks to our revolutionary Quantum Transportation Technology. No more running for restocks! We also recognize that the Riftbreakers are elite scientists, therefore, the Helios Mk III is open to further modifications and enhancements.. The Energy Shield : Hi-res: The Riftbreaker takes inspiration from many video game genres. Adventure, economy, and strategy are all glued together in the game by hacknslash action-RPG elements. Theres going to be thousands of monsters to slay and items to collect, but in order to survive that, Ashley will need to make sure that Mr. Riggs is equipped with the right tools to survive the dangers of Galatea 37. One of such tools is the Energy Shield. The Energy Shield is an item you can equip to either of Riggs hands. Upon activation, a force field will be projected, blocking matter from passing through and protecting the front side of the Mecha-Suit from taking damage. The shield is slightly curved, but does not entirely cover the sides, and the rear is not protected at all. Therefore, the Energy Shield does not guarantee perfect safety at all times and using it effectively in melee combat is a bit of a challenge. Ranged combat is where the Shield truly shines. It is not a problem for Mr. Riggs to hold the shield up and shoot the weapons mounted on his other hand, so you can stay protected while skirmishing with some acid-spitting or rock-throwing baddies. Just remember not to get surrounded. Visit us on our Discord: Other social media: The Rift Technology - Part 2 : A couple of days ago we presented to you the rift technology, one of the features of The Riftbreaker that we are most excited about. We received quite a lot of follow-up questions from you, so today we will try to talk about the rifts a little more in-depth. First of all, we want to give our players the freedom to explore the vast world of Galatea 37. Covering large distances on foot (even mechanical) is tiring, time-consuming and might be dangerous if you stumble upon a pack of angry Canoptrix. That is why you can place rift portals wherever you like. They are self-sustainable, so theres no need to plug them into any power grid. You can leave them behind in interesting spots you want to explore later and come back when the time is right. Another thing worth mentioning is that you do not need to be anywhere near a rift portal in order to teleport . They serve only as exits for you to choose from. Think of the teleporting mechanic as a network of tunnels. It is sprawling underneath the whole world of Galatea 37, allowing you to find yourself in any spot on the map in an instant. The only thing you need to do in order to make use of it is dig up an exit - and you do that by placing rift portals on the map. Then, you can burrow into your tunnel at any time and pop back up through one of the exits youve set up earlier. The play area in The Riftbreaker is going to be quite large. You are going to have your main base and several outposts to take care of at a time. The planet you are on is a dangerous place, so all of those places are going to need protection and maintenance. Ideally, you want to have a rift portal in all of your outposts. Teleporting does not cost you resources, nor does it come with a significant cooldown . Therefore, you can be anywhere you need to be at all times. We hope this makes things a bit more clear about the rift technology. It is a very powerful mechanic, and it might seem a little overpowered at the moment, but do not worry. We will give you plenty of things to do and you will be glad to have the ability to move around freely. Join our Discord for behind-the-scenes content and other cool stuff! Our social media: The Great Wall of Galatea 37 : Higher res GIF: (It's a bit long, so the quality took a hit) The gameplay of The Riftbreaker will require you to create a network of factories, mines and refineries, all connected to a power grid. The individual pieces of your base function as if they were a part of an organism and keeping them functional is going to be one of the most important aspects of the game. That is why we are giving the players a multitude of defensive options to choose from. Lets dive deeper and take a look at the most basic ones - walls and towers. Raising a wall around the base is a relatively cheap and simple solution to keep the base safe and sound. While the structures themselves do not deal with the dangers of Galatea 37, they can delay the monsters for long enough for you to react. You will be notified if your buildings are in danger, giving you the chance to teleport home and eliminate the threat. Later on, a single wall might not be enough to keep the animals out of your base - you might want to think about building two layers instead. Our intelligent system will automatically change the shape of walls to make them look the part - there are straight pieces, corner pieces, t- and x- shaped ones, everything you need to surround yourself with a hefty amount of protection. Still, even the thickest of walls will not stop a horde of Canoptrix from turning your colony into a scrapheap when you are not around. You will need some automated weapons to do that. The Riftbreaker will offer a choice of defensive towers, the first of which you could see on our livestream - if you have not had the chance to see it, heres the link: We call it the Sentinel Tower. While it is not very powerful it can certainly fend off a number of smaller enemies. In greater numbers, the Sentinels can even handle a couple of bigger monsters. They consume two resources in order to operate - energy and AI cores. What are AI cores, you might ask? They are required to operate most advanced automated systems like towers and drones. AI centers will calculate all the operations that the automated systems are going to carry out. More automation = more computing power necessary. We will talk more about this in the future. Some of you might be wondering if there is a practical use for the floor that we build behind the fences. There is one, and it is very important. The top of the walls are higher than Mr. Riggs' weapons are mounted, rendering them ineffective. By building the heightened floors you can reach over the wall and fire away. Besides, the floors make the base look neat! Recently we have also added a feature that has been a standard for most base-building games out there, but were happy about it nonetheless. You can replace any wall segment with a defensive tower or a gate. No more tedious selling what youve already built just in order to replace it with something else! After we aired the gameplay video, we received feedback that it is not always clear which building is currently selected. We fixed that by adding custom building highlights. Thanks for the suggestion! We will inform you about the new kinds of towers as they become functional. We do have many ideas, but could always welcome a few new ones. Would you like to take part in developing The Riftbreaker? Join our Discord server at . We hang out there every day, not only talking about games, but other things as well. Its great fun and we would love to have you there! The Bestiary - Arachnoid Sentinel : Arachnoid Sentinel. The Bestiary - Kafferroceros : Kafferroceros. The Rift Technology : The gas power plant project has turned out to be a success. The main base is operational and it turns out that it makes enough electricity to power all the buildings in the area and then some. Ive dismantled all of the bases solar panels. We will find a use for them elsewhere. I have to start thinking about building a second outpost, preferably somewhere near another sludge deposit. If I can set up a network of Gas Power Plants I can start storing the excess energy to eventually power up the portal back to Earth. Maintenance shouldnt be a problem, either - I will simply place rift portals at all our outposts, making distance a non-issue. I am amazed by this tech every time I make a jump - no matter how far I am, or how deep in trouble I am, the HQ is just milliseconds away. - Captain Ashley S. Nowak - personal log The idea behind the rift technology is to give our players an uninhibited ability to jump between distant places in the game world. It acts like a fast travel system, but it is entirely up to you where you set up the rift portals you can jump to. This gives you the chance to protect your outposts even when youre away on a mission, miles away. We hope you will make good use of the power this gives you. Higher resolution GIF: Extended vid: We would love to have you with us on our Discord server! Other social media: Did you think we forgot about rockets? : The MARS System modular design allows for a portable rocket launcher to be attached to either arm on the Suit. The Goliath model is shipping with the Suit by default. This model makes use of very compact and highly explosive rockets. The plans for their construction are embedded into the MARS System memory, so any Riftbreaker on a mission away from home can produce more at their Headquarters. The launcher is especially useful when dealing with either large numbers of small hostile creatures or single, large targets. Low projectile velocity makes it possible for enemies to dodge the rocket, so prior training is highly encouraged. Clearing terrain obstacles should also be possible using the launcher, although in some cases that will not be possible without making modifications to the weapon. All parts of the Goliath can be replaced and customized for the Riftbreakers personal needs. - Excerpt from the MARS user manual Higher quality GIF: Follow us on our social media for more updates!: Galatea 37 Bestiary - the Canoptrix : Length: 0.95 1.3m Height: 0.7 1m Weight: 44 64 kg Endurance: low ability to withstand enemy attacks Attack: melee attack using its paws or biting with its sharp teeth. The main danger is being surrounded by a group of several specimens and being attacked by more than one simultaneously. Canoptrix live in packs. They count usually not more than 25 specimens. It subsists on a diet of smaller prey, hunting in groups. During a famine, it will also devour cadavers. It usually attacks weaker and smaller prey. In the face of a predator, the Canoptrix try to hide among small bushes and bigger roots. If feeling threatened or if their territory has been trespassed, they will attack in larger groups, trying to surround the enemy. The Canoptrix are one of the most common animals Ashley will encounter upon arrival to Galatea 37. Their strength lies in numbers. They are not very aggressive by nature, but the Riftbreakers presence on their planet will enrage at least some packs, which means your base will get attacked by them. The groups you encounter in the wild will vary in their behavior. Some of them will simply ignore you as long as you dont mess with them. Others will run on sight. Examining the Canoptrix specimens you find might reveal some interesting facts about the planets wildlife and food chain. Just try not to get overrun, Mr. Riggs doesnt like scratches on his paint.. Day and Night cycle in The Riftbreaker : The mission destination should be scanned by qualified staff before attempting a Rift jump. Apart from measuring the contents of the atmosphere and surface temperature, it is of utmost importance to gain knowledge about the planets rotation. Determining the length of the day cycle will provide the Riftbreaker invaluable information as to whether or not they will have the time to set up a field base before dark. This is especially significant on inhabited planets, as nocturnal creatures often display aggressive traits. If one of the Riftbreakers finds themselves stranded in the dark, seek immediate shelter. The Mecha-suits lights may attract unwanted attention. The Riftbreakers' Handbook, vol. 6 One of the features of our new Schmetterling 2.0 game engine is the day and night cycle. It is an upgrade we are very excited about, as it gives us more tools to build the games atmosphere and mechanics. We want the nights on Galatea 37 to be truly intense, with lights reflecting from animals eyes in the dark and unidentified sounds in the distance, making you want to curl up in your base and go out only when necessary. Such a cycle will also allow us to bring the whole world to life - some creatures will be impossible to find during the day, while others will hide during the night.
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