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The Mind's Eclipse Ativador Download [License]

The Mind's Eclipse Ativador Download [License]

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About This Game

The CORE, a private research station, 2352. Celebrity scientist Jonathan Campbell awakens to this fallen utopia and must search for his loved ones - with the help of L, a mysterious companion.

The Mind's Eclipse is a science-fiction visual novel featuring hand-drawn scenes in black and white, and emotional narrative-driven gameplay. Players will uncover the mystery of the Eclipse and its side-narratives by exploring, searching through logs and journals, and piecing together what happened to the CORE whilst searching for Jonathan's family.

The Game

  • An interactive fiction in stark black and white, with morally gray characters
  • With the help of a mysterious companion, explore a fallen utopia in search for your loved ones and uncover the mystery of the Eclipse
  • Piece together what led to the CORE's fall from journals and chat logs
  • No dating? No Problem. Every environment is interactive, pulling the player into a science fiction world worth exploring
  • Beware COSy

The Mind’s Eclipse is a phenomenal visual novel that’ll pull you in and quickly ensnares you in its story, full of strange characters and stranger settings. You’ll be confronted with some very heavy and at times disturbing situations surrounding the concepts of morality, immortality and technology, all conveyed spectacularly in striking black and white in a wonderfully realized world rich with history. If you are at all a fan of classic hard science fiction, this should be a “must buy” for your collection. - IndieHangover a09c17d780

Title: The Mind's Eclipse
Genre: Indie
Mind's Eclipse Interactive, LLC
Mind's Eclipse Interactive, LLC
Release Date: 25 Jan, 2018


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Oh man! What a pleasant surprise! This VN is mad good!!

Its beginnings aren\u2019t terribly original\u2014you awake in a decrepit hospital with no memories and with only an AI to help guide you out before the hospital loses oxygen. Everyone else you meet is dead. Everything is crumbling. Why?

Where the game goes after that is interesting, and tackles questions I see a decent amount in sci-fi about life without death in interesting ways. The writing is tight and punchy, and the rate at which information is revealed is the right one, with the right rhythm and pacing. Smaller substories end up feeding into the larger one in exactly the right way. Your AI companion, L, provides the perfect compliment to the dark tone by being a breath of fresh air, sharp and irreverent but never annoying.

This is one step shy of a point and click adventure game, and it\u2019s rewarding navigating the world and exploring the map to find more information in the world and in messages you find. I loved the art style, and found that even though its loose, everything was easy to make out and navigate. The CGs in particular are great\u2014there are several dozen of them, more than I\u2019ve ever seen in a VN before, and they\u2019re incredibly evocative. Major major kudos to the two women who made up the main art team!

I started and finished this in one day because I really wanted to find out what will come next, what will come after that, what else will I explore, and that\u2019s a great feeling.. Wonderful game with great art!. A real hidden gem, it deserves more recognition!. A real hidden gem, it deserves more recognition!. The Mind's Eclipse made me wrestle with the question: what kind of future should we hope for? Advances in biotechnology and computing power are advancing daily. I admit I'm excited by the possibilities of both. This game explores implications when the confluence of the two leads to another question: what is the value of death? You'll love this game if these questions, and the technology driving them, are of any interest to you.. A short (roughly three hours to complete), visual novel/point-and-click-adventure hybrid with themes of existentialism and one's eventual fate and how we're powerless to change it. The hand-drawn visuals help to create a gritty, dark foreboding setting throughout. Especially when you reach the final areas of the game. The narrative was just long enough to make me want to learn more about The CORE and Jonathan Campbell, the main protagonist. Yet it was also short enough to tell it's entire story without it feeling like a chore. The subtle soundtrack helped to further enhance the overall experience while playing. Though if this game has a notable flaw, it would be the lack of voice-acting in my opinion.

Other minor gripes I have with the game are that the bulk of the narrative is told through messages in data-pads that are strewn about in each area. Most are easy to spot though a few took a moment or two for me to notice in the background. Because of this, you could miss out on a portion of the writing in this game if you just focus on advancing the story rather than taking the time to search each area thoroughly before moving along. Lastly, the two endings for this game feel a bit cliff-hanger-ish to me. Not a bad thing per se, but I would have preferred to have a more obvious and concrete ending to this story. Regardless, I recommend this game to anyone who's a fan of System Shock-esc science-fiction stories or those who want to play a VN hybrid with a more mature story and setting.. I started to play this game in the morning and just finished it. I took about 7 hours of slow paced gameplay. The game was a breath of fresh air among all the regular games and I didn't want to leave the game world.

One of the main reasons for buying The Mind's Eclipse was its graphics. As an artist myself I was quite excited to see that the game creators had chosen this kind of style for the game art. Not many developers would have had the courage to use such lively sketch-like style. But I think it works very well. Not everything has to always be super-polished. A looser style makes the game feel spirited.

The UI is simple and controls work well. At first I was expecting to be able to move to adjacent locations by clicking hotspots in the image, but that wasn't the case in most rooms. It was quite easy to navigate through the map too.

It was interesting to follow the story. There is a lot of dialogue and other messages to read. If you like that kind of story-telling, then you could enjoy the game. The amount of text isn't overwhelming and has been cut up into moderately sized chunks.

I wish the developer would make more similar games!

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