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The Isle Of The Dead Full Movie Download In Hindi

The Isle Of The Dead Full Movie Download In Hindi >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Isle Of The Dead

Genge: Action,Horror














































A military squad is sent to a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean in order to secure top secret records involving a zombie epidemic that wiped out the large scientific team experimenting with various test chemicals and toxins which leads to the team battling not only zombies, but the lone surviving scientist who has plans for the future of the human race.
In an isolated island in South Pacific, there is an outbreak in a top-secret military facility where Colonel Aiden Wexler is researching biological weapon. Ten years later, a small squad is sent to the island to investigate the status of the facility. They shall contact their helicopter a couple of hours later; otherwise the place will be bombed and totally destroyed. Along their journey, they are attacked by zombies and when they reach the building, they find Aiden alive. Out of the blue, Dr. Mikaela Usylvich that is assisting the mission discloses that is Aiden's daughter.
Joey Lawrence (Blossom) and Maryse Mizanin (pro wrestler, Miz's wife) lead Navy Seals into an island to find a doctor left there for 10 years. DC Douglas is that scientist working on a serum to counteract a zombie virus that stemmed (supposedly) from his colleague's (Eric St. John) tinkering with science resulting in the undead spreading throughout the island.

There's all the machine gun fire into the heads of zombies violence in the recognized style of the Asylum productions (very much in the vein of Z-Nation) you come to expect. The "anomalies" zombies are a frightening bunch (good make-up work and the way they shoot them is damned effective; their noise and rabid, unhinged behavior, barely locked away in a room, sets up a foreknowing of what could lie in wait for the heroes), but the combat at the end when Mizanin and Douglas (it is revealed they are daughter and father) duke it out with zombies led by Douglas' rival St. John is just too much…that and I swear one of the sound effects when Mizanin stabs a zombie head makes a chocolate syrup bottle squirt sound! Lawrence is all business and never allows the film to upend his serious take on the character and his mission. There's this bomb that will detonate giving the soldiers only so much time to find Douglas and his work and get the hell off the island. Mizanin is dead set on retrieving information and serum so that her father's work was not in vain and would benefit her superiors. Maryse is French and so her character was written as a scientist included in the group of soldiers, accompanying them in the sole purpose of finding that information important to the military, responsible for the base on the island to begin with. Maryse gets to go all "undead badass" at the end which made the film rather laughable yet charming at the same time. There's this one scene I really liked involving Douglas showing the soldiers some of his "pets", zombies he had encased in cages for constant study…one of the zombies had bulging pores and this mutated, diseased face just peering maniacally at them from behind the glass.

Douglas never should have been trusted, yet the film turns him, oddly, into a sort of hero when battling St. John (mainly because Maryse is badly injured by him) at the end. His twitchy and aggressive behavior is never trustworthy, and when he's told he will be divorced or distanced from the location of his work (and the thought of his work being "stolen", altered, and credited to others), the others should have realized that he was dangerous…ummm, and when he turns out to be a zombie, only humanized by a serum which wears off eventually, that might have been a definite sign that he was a peril to them all. Not to let the bugs get left out, some crawl into (and under) the skin of a soldier and eat him inside out (coming out of his eye even!). Zombies eat, too…can't leave that out, right? Isle of the Dead has great promise. Of course, the basic plot line is as old as the hills. However, the acting is above par for this kind of film and the camera work and continuity is good. What really raises the film above the thousand (or so it seems) zombie flicks released in the last five years is the amazing zombie makeup and the very realistic special effects. The blood and brains fly on a constant basis and the zombies seem to attack in nearly ever scene. So...some spoilers... Government science lab in the south Pacific where secret experiments go very awry....zombies are the result. Lots of zombies. Crack military team is sent in 10 years later to check for survivors and check out the scene. The huge military labs are investigated and lots of bullets fly. There are also lots of dead and rotted bodies decorating the hallways and offices of said labs. Amazing! The female doctor with the military jocks suddenly finds her father is alive and is the lead scientist that you assume released the secret serum by accident or not? Well, I enjoyed this film up to near the end when it sank into a morass of bullets and black belt fighting with the seemingly endless supply of zombies. As I said the makeup and special effects, camera work, continuity and reasonable acting elevates this to a watchable film. However, by the last 20 minutes I felt like a zombie with the overdone and endless fighting. Oh, I forgot to tell you...the military jocks have just 10 hours to do what their supposed to do.....or BOOM! Just a small nuclear device will visit this lovely tropical island and say goodbye to all zombies and any of our hero group!!! One other little twist....the woman doctor who finds her father is responsible for this hideous this zombie horror have a lovely little coming home to daddy moment. This scene comes at the very end of the film... but not in the way one would think! I give this a 6 out of 10. If you like zombies give this a look.

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