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The Dinosaur Project Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p

The Dinosaur Project Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p ->->->-> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: The Dinosaur Project

Genge: Action,Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi,Thriller







































A British expedition formed by the lead researcher Jonathan Marchant, his assistant, a doctor and a TV crew, travels to Congo to seek evidence of a dinosaur. A local guide and the helicopter pilot join the team and the group heads to the jungle. During their trip, they find a stowaway in the helicopter, the son of Jonathan. Soon the helicopter is attacked by flying creatures and crashes in the jungle in the beginning of the last journey of Jonathan Marchant and his team.
This movie really had me smiling at the end of it. And thats a good thing, really i could take this over the more recent king Kong any day of the week, this film does not even try to compete with a heavyweight masterpiece like jurasic park and as a result stands up on its own merits.

Forget about the biased cheap scores the review sites have given this film, forget that this film has a cast of relatively unknown cast members, forget that this film isn't scientifically realistic, Just go and watch with an open mind.

Its just so ambitious yet also so modest, one of the few pleasant surprises this year. First, let me say that I also am NOT a fan of the "cam-held" movies genre that has become popular by a lot of people.

To those of you criticizing myself and others for not watching a trailer of the movie first before going and watching the movie

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