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The Deep Six Affair Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

The Deep Six Affair Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4 ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: The Deep Six Affair

Genge: Action,Adventure,Crime











































Thrush covets a new nuclear submarine, which will be launched from England. The criminal organization also employs the woman who is engaged to marry Brian Morton, UNCLE's top enforcement agent in Europe. Waverly joins Solo and Kuryakin in England and takes a direct role in the affair.
One of the last 'M.F.U.' episodes made, 'The Deep Six Affair' went out on Christmas Day 1967. Possibly mindful of the disaster that was 'The Jingle Bells Affair' the previous season, it doesn't mention Christmas at all. In London, Solo and British UNCLE agent 'Brian Morton' ( Peter Bromilow ) are being held by THRUSH agent 'Comander Krohler' ( Alfred Ryder ). A disguised Illya shows up with the ransom - plans to a new experimental submarine - and promptly rescues his colleagues. That would appear to be the end of the matter. But no. Brian announces his resignation as he plans on marrying his fiancée 'Laura Adams' ( Diana van der Vlis ). Mr.Waverly, who does not approve of his agents leaving the organisation to get married, tries to dissuade him. Brian is adamant. Laura is abducted by Krohler, and used to blackmail him into helping THRUSH steal the submarine...

Written by Leonard Stadd - author of the same season's 'The Maze Affair' and the story of season 2's 'The Discotheque Affair' - this is a solid episode. Ryder appeared in villainous roles in other genre series such as 'The Invaders' and 'Mission: Impossible'. Donald Sinden-clone Peter Bromilow was 'Gerald Kafka' in 'The Avengers' caper 'Noon-Doomsday'.

Although Season 4 is often criticised for its perceived lack of humour, there are amusing moments to be found if you look hard enough. One comes just before the main titles when Solo beams with pride after learning he is regarded as the top UNCLE agent in America!

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