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TankBlitz Free Download Crack With Full Game

TankBlitz Free Download Crack With Full Game

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About This Game

TankBlitz is a brutal run and gun tank game with four playable tanks, each having access to four unique weapons and dozens of upgrades. You blast your way through twelve handcrafted levels crawling with over 50 different kinds of enemies, and numerous challenging bossfights.

Key Features:

  • Four chapters, 12 Levels of destruction and mayhem!
  • 4 playable tanks with unique weapons and mechanics
  • Loads of upgrades and customizations for each tank
  • Over 50 different enemy unit types with different weapons, abilities, weaknesses
  • Challenging bossfights and numerous minibosses!
  • Lots of achievements, with gameplay rewards
  • Three difficulty levels for rookies, veterans and crazy people
  • Many easter eggs and secrets sprinkled around each chapter

Title: TankBlitz
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Onur Vural and Leigh Christian
Onur Vural
Release Date: 21 Apr, 2017


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For a 2 dollar game it's worth it, I don't have any problems with it and everything works fine, kinda fun on a low level, something for a change that doesn't take a lot of concentration.. Very good game. Short but with all achievements and upgrade it will take several hours of play. Man....this got its claws in me!

Short form of this game: It's basically an action-oriented tank game with a camp-tastic story (but thats the whole entire darn point!), a solid progression system, and buttery smooth controls.

Some people reported performance issues in fullscreen, I haven't ran into any of them tbh, but then again it could have been patched.

Still what I really appreciated it was the little things!

  • Normally I could usually care less about achievements. NOT IN THIS GAME! They give you premium currency which allows you to buy advanced upgrades, ranging from OP variants of your existing kit, to tesla coils, hacking kits, nuclear missiles, and more! That's what kept me playing for so dang long. I only beat the last mission when my zenith tank was more or less almost at full power. The achievements were optional, but they reward you for actually taking time to do them, and I had a blast getting them.
  • Each weapon has a skill based element to them, Missiles need careful aiming or else you waste some of the rarest ammo in the game, Cannons get Gears of War style active reloads, machine guns have heat management (though the hotter they run, the faster they fire) and mortar charge determines where it lands
  • I like the balance of difficulty, I can see some complaining that it's easy, but if you arent careful your tank can easily be melted down, especially on higher difficulties
  • Did I mention buttery smooth controls? I had very little problem aiming, shooting, and moving my tanks around (well except the mammoth but that's on purpose)<\/li><\/ul>
    Best two bucks I've probably spent on steam. It's worth it at full price. Flash game ported on Steam. Very poor graphics and wonky controls.. As the title says, it's a tank blitz game with a bunch of upgrades and some humor tossed in. Having fun with it so far, thus it's definitely worth the price!

    Developer is great and responsive, had a problem due to my controller that he helped resolve quickly, so kudos for that too!. For a 2 dollar game it's worth it, I don't have any problems with it and everything works fine, kinda fun on a low level, something for a change that doesn't take a lot of concentration.. This game is easy to learn but a little harder to beat in full.
    Its fun if a little short replay is only for the achievments or for fast near mindless destruction.
    I like it even if it flashes the This Game is Running Slow sign at fullscreen.
    The track and engin upgrades give better handeling and speed.

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