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Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster

Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster

Genge: Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Sci-Fi

































A young man steals a boat to find his brother, but he and his shipmates become shipwrecked on a mysterious island inhabited by a giant sea monster and a slumbering Godzilla.
A fisherman named Yata winds up missing after the boat he is working on sinks. His younger brother Ryota decides to search for him, but when the authorities refuse to help him he tries to enter a dance contest to win a boat to go search for Yata. When Ryota arrives at the contest he finds out he is too late by a few days, but meets up with two contestants who had already been eliminated named Nita and Ichino. The three youths then head for the marina to look at different boats. After they board one, they meet a rifle toting man named Yoshimura, whom they assume is the owner. However, he is a bank robber who is using the boat to hide out. After a few minutes, Yoshimura decides to let the youths stay the night. The next morning they wake up to find out that Ryota has set sail with them on it to search for his brother. A few days into their trip they are caught in a storm and as the boys try to keep the boat from sinking they see a giant claw emerge from the water. The next morning they wake up on Lechti Island, which serves as the base for a group of international terrorists called Red Bamboo, who have a heavy water factory on the island. They also observe as a boat belonging to the group arrive with slaves from Infant Island, the home of Mothra. Some of the natives try to make a break for it, but they are caught and eaten by the same monster that wrecked the boys boat, a giant lobster named Ebirah. During the commotion, a slave girl named Daiyo manages to sneak away and runs into the boys. They then find a cave where they hide out. But also in the cave is Godzilla, who is hibernating. They then try to head for the base to see if they can save the slaves, but their plans are thwarted and Ichino becomes a prisoner while Ryota gets caught in an observation balloon and drifts towards Infant Island where he is reunited with Yata. In the meantime, Nita gets an idea to awaken Godzilla with lightning to not only distract the soldiers but to fight Ebirah.
I never thought I would find a Godzilla movie where Godzilla was the weakest part of the film. In most these movies, the various scenes not involving Godzilla could generally be considered filler. They're there to pad out the film until Godzilla shows up and usually aren't very good. The filler in Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster isn't any better or worse than any of the other Godzilla movies (though I must admit to enjoying the James Bond vibe and the groovy dance party), but it's better than Godzilla's moments on the screen. The problem is that Big G doesn't get the chance to do much. This is Toho "on the cheap". The usual rampage through the city is gone. It was cheaper to have Godzilla destroy a mostly deserted island with only a small science/military facility than it was to build an entire city of miniatures. And the few miniatures to be found don't even looks up to snuff. When not trampling the cheap miniatures, Godzilla spends an inordinate amount of time just sitting. That right – sitting! And when he does finally do battle with the sea monster of the title, it's not much of a match. In no time at all, Godzilla rips off the overgrown lobster's claws and its over. Almost 90 minutes to see this non-event – what a waste!
The seventh entry in the Godzilla franchise continues the trend toward 'secret agent' plots, diminished budgets, and light-hearted adventure, and because the story originally starred King Kong, the movie departs from the standard Godzilla story in a number of ways. Through a series of unlikely events, four men end up on an island housing a secret base run by a nefarious organisation known as "Red Bamboo" at which clandestine nuclear warheads are being produced and that is protected by the immense shrimp-like monster "Ebirah". By amazing coincidence, Godzilla is asleep in a cave on the very same island and one of Red Bamboo's captives is a young women from Infant Island, home of Mothra (now back in her winged form). Much of the movie is a monster-free adventure as the five try to evade capture and find a missing brother but eventually Godzilla awakens, with predictable results. Directed by Jun Fukuda, the movie has the look and sound of a '60s science fiction TV show, including tilted camera angles like those on the immensely popular "Batman" (1966) series and up-tempo music that has none of the grandeur of Akira Ifukube's scores. The Ebirah suit is quite good and the scenes of his giant claws rising from the ocean are the best in the film but the Godzilla suit is a step down from previous versions, with bigger eyes, a pronounced brow, a frog-like face, and the eyes of the actor within are clearly visible at times. Mothra is not bad but discrepancies between the painted background version and the puppet version are quite noticeable and her twin fairy ambassadors are now played by "Pair Bambi" who are neither as musical nor as charming as "The Peanuts", who previously played the role. In keeping with diminished budgets, Godzilla spends a lot of time in desolate, undetailed regions of the Island, and although there are some reasonably effective underwater shots, no amount of suspension of disbelief will help with the scenes where he attacks the Red Bamboo base: it's just a guy in a rubber suit stepping on toys. Anthropomorphisation of the kaiju continues: battles include a lot of rock throwing (including 'wind-ups' and 'headings'), there are a number of undignified shots of the big guy sitting down (even dozing off at one point), and in one instance he ironically rubs his nose (apparently a reference to a popular Japanese character). By this stage in the history of the franchise, the films are youth-oriented, light-hearted adventures featuring a heroic, at times almost 'friendly', monster, a trend that will continue until the end of the '70s. Strictly for the fans or students of the genre, and the kids.


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