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Smash Up: Conquer The Bases With Your Factions Addons

Smash Up: Conquer The Bases With Your Factions Addons

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About This Game

Smash Up is the award-winning shufflebuilding card game designed by Paul Peterson, now available in a beautiful digital adaptation so you can play on the go with friends al 5d3b920ae0

Title: Smash Up: Conquer the bases with your factions
Genre: Strategy
Nomad Games, VooFoo Studios
Asmodee Digital
Release Date: 12 Oct, 2016


smash up conquer the bases with your factions

I've bought every physical expansion bar Big in Japan which isn't released here. I've been waiting ages for this to come out, and when it does it peaks at 15 daily users, and because of my timeone when I try and play there is noone online. When I do find a match, half the time the game dumps me out before the end of game, and my stats have been wiped twice. I didn't buy this game to play against an AI, I bought it because there are very few SU players near me. Such a waste of money. I expected more from AEG. If this is the quality of product they support, I'll be more wary in the future.. Recommend once issues are fixed: I love Smash Up, I own the physical game and a couple of the expansions. It is one off my favorite games to play. So, you understand why I was excited when this came out. But so far, I'm kind of disappointed. I've only tested it out a few times (versus the bot) and already have come across issues where some cards don't play right, or do something they shouldn't have done. For instance, in the Trickster faction, there is a card that prevents an opponent from playing actions on their next turn. I playe

Seitenaufrufe: 1


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