La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Silhouette
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Early Access
Apeirogon Games
Apeirogon Games
Release Date: 13 Nov, 2016
Very impressed with this game so far. It has a beautiful aesthetic that looks really great. At first it's a bit strange to see that there aren't any textures in the game, but then you notice the subtle details in the models or the lighting and the spot use of color and after a while it really grows on you. Love the Farm Country level, it's gorgeous and fun to explore. Really wasn't expecting the kind of gore at the farm crime scene and this is when I realized that the visual aesthetic helps to make it feel more like a cartoon which means it's easier to stomach.
The gameplay is pretty much exactly what it says on the store page - it's a point and click adventure game in first person. At first I was worried that it would get boring, but I think the developer has found the right balance between exploration, clue finding and story so It doesn't feel like a walking simulator. Really interested to see where this goes. Sure, it's a bit short but if it actually gets up to 6 hours long when it's finished then I think it'll be worthwhile. Especially knowing that you get all the future updates for free.
Absolutely recommend this game and excited for the next update!. I have high hopes for this. At its current point in development, there's only 30-45 minutes worth of gameplay, but what I've seen so far has been wonderful. The graphic style is beautifully simplistic, lending itself well to the noir aesthetics and atmosphere. The story is intriguing, although we've only scratched the surface of it. The voice acting is great, and there's good chemistry between the characters. Gameplay is pretty basic, though, and I'd definitely like to see a lot more challenge added to the investigative parts.
Of course, being early access, it has some quirky mechanics, but the environment interaction and physics engine aren't wonky or counter-intuitive. They just need to be tweaked a bit.
My biggest concern is that the dev put this up for Early Access too soon. $5.00 isn't a lot of money, but there's very little game content right now, and this is a single-dev project. As long as the dev keeps up with it, and is able to put out regular updates, I can see this being successful. However, it runs the risk of being shelved and forgotten.
I'd like to see more for this, and I enjoyed what I've played, but I'd suggest people hold off on buying it until more content has been released.. Couldn't play for more than ten minutes without getting terrible motion sickness. Dev did not respond to request for a workaround -- just removing the headbob would have solved the problem.. Early Access Watcher Public Service Announcement
Game: Silhouette
Update Version: 0.1a
Disclosure: This game copy was bought by the reviewer.
Exploration titles have been releasing off and on for the past couple of years and many tend to devolve into story-driven walking simulators with a bit of object interaction. I was getting a very similar vibe when I played through Apeirogon Games' latest title, Silhouette, currently out on the Early Access program. Utilizing the Unreal 4 engine, this project is being spearheaded by a single developer. The current build offers a very small snippet of the planned 6-8 hour adventure, but it is enough to establish the main character and introduce the player to the dilemma he is sure to face.
Jim Grayson, a tired homicide detective, is called in to investigate a recent murder at an apartment complex. Assumed to be a simple case of neglect, Jim decides to look around the apartment for clues before heading off to the coroner's office for further information regarding the victim. The coroner manages to give Jim a lead that points to a Texago outside of town, but no one appears to be around. Circumstances become more vague as a closer inspection of the station reveals a piece of evidence that would lead Jim to realize the magnitude of the situation. This is not simply a random murder and is possibly the work of a serial killer leading the detective down a gruesome rabbit hole.
The majority of the world is black and white with characters and special items (signs, police lights, evidence) presented in color. It is an interesting aesthetic choice that reflects the way evidence in general is perceived until context can identify its' connection to a crime. I was rather underwhelmed by the music selection, but it might be due to the volume mixing making it rather difficult to listen too. Voice work is surprisingly decent and helps carry certain points of the game lacking background music. The little bit of music I could hear was alright, but the game is mostly filled with audio assets such as crow caws and the thunk of dropped books. It has a noir visual look as intended, but I do hope they decide to give their character models some pupils.
Gameplay is made up of walking around and examining items in search of clues or leads. All potential clues (except for a few in mission two) are exposed by picking up items and seeing if they reveal their true color. If an item is not important to the investigation, it will turn black and remain selectable once it is dropped. Items can be hidden underneath boxes, inside drawers or visible in plain sight. It boils down to the barebones equivalent of a point and click adventure game with some dialog choices selectable during a conversation with the coroner.
Options are extremely limited in this title, offering a list of preset resolutions featuring 720p, 768p and 1080p. The game can be played with mouse and keyboard or handled with a controller. None of the controls can be rebound, but this isn't as much of an issue given the simplistic nature of the game. One issue I did notice was frequent screen tearing while walking. Audio also overlaps if something is picked up while dialog is spoken and it can get annoying when mixed with the limited responses. Drawers also have a bad habit of closing on items, causing the item inside to sound as if it is continuously hitting the floor. The developer stated in a recent update that they are hoping to fix these sound issues.
Silhouette has a interesting aesthetic and employs a very underused genre in the form of noir. While it suffers from some annoying audio and visual issues, the story is at least interesting enough to grasp the curious and deliver a sneak peak into what could be. The current build is $5 and for something that I managed to complete in 30 minutes, it is a hard sell. It is a decent introduction with the full first chapter expected to be complete (first two hours) in Q2 2017.
This has been a EAW PSA.. Very interesting indie detective game! I like the stylized world, the splashes of colour, and how you can pick up everything and throw things around, that was fun. It took a minute to figure out that you have to hold down the right mouse button and then click the left button to throw objects. I liked the music in the first scene, it added to the creepiness of the story. But by the third scene the music was annoying me.
I love games where you can choose what you want to say, that was a nice addition. I liked how I could walk around the morgue while she was talking too, I was even able to pick up a dead body from compartment in the wall! Gross. I also thought the credits were so cool, I've never seen credits presented that way before. Looking forward to the next chapter of the game, it's nice that early buyers get all future chapters for free. Time to go check if my dish soap is actually dish soap.... I played the first mission. I opened every drawer and cupboard. I found lots of objects that had nothing to do to the case. THEN A BIG BREAK HAPPENED> I found some pills in the toilet, but nothing happened when I picked them up. Who flushes pills? idk the case will never be solved. Also there's no textures at all in this game and nobody has any pupils. It's creepy as\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665and now my kid sister Fregorgregori has terrible nightmares and is\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665herself worse than that VR dude. Overall an updsetting experience. :(. Silhouette is a fantastic game so far, it has really great detective mechanics and I can't wait for the updates.. Its a very nice little game, the early access is fairly short, but it leaves you with wanting more of the story.
Where is this going?
You play as a detective trying to solve a case of murders. Check out some gameplay here.
https:\/\/\/WamqXbpJfXY<\/a>. Potential.
The art style & character aesthetic are solid.
The sound, both ambient & music.
The story seems like it could prove interesting.
I'm recommending this because I'm a sucker for art & style & noir; I'm not at this stage recommending it for content length or gameplay quality. Here's why.
The gameplay is not there...
The first mission, you need to find x number of clues & all the objects are white, when you pick up irrelevant ones they turn black, relevant ones reveal what they are & the game doesn't provide direction and so you click on everything until you find (I think it was 6 items) & then you go to the next level, this was not compelling.
The second mission, was a long cutscene with some dialogue prompts for jokes where you listen to the Coroner talk about the evidence you collected & the body that was discovered; a lot more could have been done here besides wise cracking. It doesn't need to be something like Law & Order: Legacies but at the very least I could have had more dialogue prompts or none at all, the half-measures of this section was confusing.
The third mission (and the last for this Early Access release) was the best of the bunch & I think maybe shows the Developers realising that the first mission lacks guidance. This level has some of the points-of-investigation highlighted in colour, but the most crucial (I guess it is a puzzle trigger) & the object you need to find are still white, but there are environmental clues as to where to look for the object & then environmental clues as to where to proceed.
This mission & the guidance given went a long way to addressing my gripes with the first part of the game.
I'd say 25 of the 40'ish minutes of my first playthrough was spent click on every object in the first area & convincing myself that I must have missed some clue as to directional guidance in the games audio because the dialogue triggers play over one another; so $5 may be high for sub-45 minutes.
I like where this is going though, with minor fixes like audio over...
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