Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass Activation Code [hack]
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About This Game
Developed by true shooter veterans in Croteam, Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass reignites the classic series by improving on the old-school formula. Enjoy the high-adrenaline action combat with an unbelievably destructive arsenal and experience Sam's iconic enemy-annihilating circle-strafing and backpedaling dance-routine on an even bigger scale.KEY FEATURES
Serious Sam was always about using whatever comes towards you for target practice and this time it's no different. Fight through giant hordes of relentless foes, both those that defined the franchise like Kamikaze and Kleer and those ready to become iconic in the future.
Bigger, badder, better
Fight and explore your way through huge environments populated with optional objectives, secrets and deadly ambushes. But, fear not! Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass is still a focused, linear experience you have come to love, and NOT an open-world game.
Wroom, wroom
Traversing big environments is no easy task. So get your driving skills ready and jump on a motorcycle, a combine or even a bulletproof popemobile and drive your way through unfortunate enemy pedestrians.
This time, Sam's bringing friends
Companions no longer appear only in cut-scenes, but are taking part in the action. Rodriguez, Jones, Hellfire and the rest of the crew are joining Sam in this epic journey through Planet Badass. 7ad7b8b382
Title: Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass
Genre: Action, Adventure
Devolver Digital
Serious Sam, Croteam
Release Date: TBA
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- Processor: TBA
- Graphics: TBA
- Sound Card: TBA

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Refunct Update 6 Soon:

Update 6 has been delayed due to rare AMD driver crashes. Here is a sneak-peak of the changelog:
- Added showing completion time in-world during outro after first completion
- Added showing pillar colors during outro after first completion
- Added resetting speedrun and color mode by holding crouch button in menu
- Added 180, 240, 288 and 300 frame rate caps
- Improved performance and framerate stability
- Improved walljump keeping upwards velocity if bigger than walljump upwards launch speed
- Improved night colors and visibility
- Improved gamepad rotation by adding a sensitivity curve
- Improved gamepad movement by increasing the outer deadzone range
- Improved keyboard and gamepad handling in menus
- Improved field of view handling during outro scene
- Improved colorized pillar color scheme
- Improved random color algorithm to not allow same color twice
- Improved controls naming in settings menu
- Fixed crouch state when leaving narrow space after releasing then repressing crouch button
- Fixed non-input braking friction being too high (regression after Update 3)
- Fixed outro landing position to always be exactly the same
- Fixed non-responsive game on macOS when loading with settings from before Update 5
- Fixed fireworks trails visibility when looking directly up
Note: The minimum macOS version will be 10.11.4 (El Capitan) as has been shown the past few months in the system requirements page due to the engine's removal of OpenGL support in favor of the more performant and feature-complete Metal API..
Refunct Update 4:
Due to popular demand a new update has been released to improve the speedrunning experience including a completion timer, instant restarts and more!
Refunct Update 8:

Hi! Refunct Update 8 has been released which aims to reduce causing motion sickness for people prone to it and incorporates various player feedback:
- Improved camera smoothness by using flat movement base collision on the ground
- Fixed a few localization strings
- Fixed showing incorrect restart message in rare cases
- Fixed executable icon after Update 7
- Tweaked hiding restart message after first instead of second restart after game completion
- Tweaked default quality scaling
- Reverted island rise timing changes of Update 7
Additionally if you are very prone to motion sickness the following may help further:
- Try to not think about motion sickness
- Reduce mouse/gamepad sensitivity
- Tweak the graphics settings to run Refunct with at least 60 fps
- Tweak the field of view
- Set anti-aliasing to low or none
- Do not hide the reticle
Refunct Update 5:

Hey all! A new patch has just gone live to allow for post-completion player expression and increased polish:
- Added pillar colorization system
- Added saving completion time between sessions
- Added menu title/time color variation after collecting all collectibles
- Improved movement precision slightly
- Improved sound effects modulation variations
- Improved intro logo timing
- Improved game completion time taking new game glitch into account
- Fixed new game glitch (reverted)
- Fixed softlock if using new game glitch on first button
- Fixed camera clipping into water in rare cases
- Fixed game progress if loading invalid savegame
- Fixed UI scale on certain hardware
- Fixed silent audio under water on macOS
- Increased field of view setting range to 70° - 130°
Travel through mystical lands:

Travel through mystical lands, uncover mysteries and solve puzzles. Discover the secrets of an ancient Indian kingdom that holds one of the world's most mysterious and glorious treasures.
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