La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Save the Lamb
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation
TSS Studio
TSS Studio
Release Date: 3 Nov, 2017
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Wow, thanks to this *Developer* i finally know the name of the tool all those 12 years old kids use to make those infinite platformer asset-flips - CONSTRUCT 2 - he simply forgot (or doesn't know how) to remove the game maker tool logo.
Here you see all the same things as everywhere else -
-R\u0435t\u0430rded platform placement
-No level design at all just same levels with a slightly adjusted platforms over and over again, and sometimes with a different background
-Unplayable controls
-No cards but dev marks this game as if it had them so kiddies would buy to make some profits over 0.02$ game.
Don't. no trading cards. i didnt like the game becuase
1. i glitched through the platform that where moving up and down
2. sometime when i was one a moving platform and i jumped i didnt move at all
3. there was no sound effects or music so it was really silent
4. sometimes the lamb didnt want to jump and didnt stop running.
but i can see potential in the game if the bugs where fixed and some sound and music was added. no trading cards. This game is so buggy from lvl-7 and it's nearly unplayable plus some blox are moving as fast as speed of light and are so small ... please fix this!. Wow, thanks to this *Developer* i finally know the name of the tool all those 12 years old kids use to make those infinite platformer asset-flips - CONSTRUCT 2 - he simply forgot (or doesn't know how) to remove the game maker tool logo.
Here you see all the same things as everywhere else -
-R\u0435t\u0430rded platform placement
-No level design at all just same levels with a slightly adjusted platforms over and over again, and sometimes with a different background
-Unplayable controls
-No cards but dev marks this game as if it had them so kiddies would buy to make some profits over 0.02$ game.
Don't. i didnt like the game becuase
1. i glitched through the platform that where moving up and down
2. sometime when i was one a moving platform and i jumped i didnt move at all
3. there was no sound effects or music so it was really silent
4. sometimes the lamb didnt want to jump and didnt stop running.
but i can see potential in the game if the bugs where fixed and some sound and music was added
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