La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Sarah in the Sky
Genre: Casual
Lumatap, LLC
Lumatap, LLC
Release Date: 4 Jul, 2018
In each chapter you have to find diary pages, you can find a garment and a special object in each chapter. Blue compass shards help you to find the way to all things. Game saves after each chapter. Sweet calming game, relax and walk \u2665. In each chapter you have to find diary pages, you can find a garment and a special object in each chapter. Blue compass shards help you to find the way to all things. Game saves after each chapter. Sweet calming game, relax and walk \u2665
Approved for release!:
All set for the July 4th release!. Outfits for Sarah:
Here's a closer look at one of the outfits found in the game.. One month:
Just because it's been a month since we released!
. Sarah in the Sky in final testing:
We spent this week adding some polish and fixing bugs. Everything is working well. Here is a wide shot of the final level--it's the biggest and has a special secret.
. It's been two weeks!:
Check out the astronaut outfit!
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Seitenaufrufe: 24
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